A lot of my clients ask me if they should only eat the highest quality meats. From all my nutritional training, the answer is easily a yes.But once I worked with real people, my...
Are you a WHEN and THEN person?❓How often have we thought, WHEN I get thin, THEN I'll be happy.Or WHEN I get the new job, THEN I'll be happy?Or WHEN I get healed, THEN...
Happy Thanksgiving.Researchers wanted to see if daily feelings of gratitude could be a buffer against the negative consequences of CVID-19.📖This study asked participants to complete an online daily questionnaire which included questions about their...
Just some truths.⛑Truths will always win over sensationalism. Just give it time.And I'll always be consistently sharing my advocacy for meat.🥩LEARN MORE HERE:PMID: 28076316PMID: 8498602PMID: 20739380PMID: 23902316Diabetes Council:https://www.thediabetescouncil.com/the-relationship-between-diabetes-and-thyroid-disorder/--📬If you haven't signed up for my...
🥦We think that we need fibrous plant foods to fuel our large intestine with short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).🧬These SCFAs are broken down by the colon to offer gut-supporting SCFAs such as butyrate (butyric acid),...
The recently released Carnivore survey study is one step in the right direction.
If you consider the bloodwork data, you can’t change these truths:🩸2000+ participants showed bloodwork of health improvements.🌟2000+ participants stated they feel better...
CARNIVORE—GOOD FOR US?!🤩So excited to share this survey study that shares data (including bloodwork) of 2000+ individuals that were carnivore for AT LEAST 6 months.📖There were actually 3,883 total participants but 1,418 were excluded...
A small percentage of the population needs calcium supplementation but for the most, look deeper.⚖️There are many reasons for bone health imbalances.More times than not, it's not a calcium deficiency.⚠️In fact, food companies fortify...