It's been a while since I've written about my story or my parent's story. I guess that comes with the territory of having a full-time practice with the chronically ill community (whom I absolutely...
Watch the clip here.
Watch the full interview here.
If you told me during my 12 years of being plant-based that a lot of my mental issues would go away with meat, I would have laughed.
💔 I thought...
Eating disorders are very close to my heart because I suffered with bulimia for over a decade.⚠️All of us are susceptible. Especially when consuming highly addictive processed foods that adversely impact our dopamine receptors...
Lately Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) have become so popular. But before we get into CGMs, we need to understand what these monitors are even measuring and why we should even care.
Blood Sugar, Insulin and...
Happy Thanksgiving.Researchers wanted to see if daily feelings of gratitude could be a buffer against the negative consequences of CVID-19.📖This study asked participants to complete an online daily questionnaire which included questions about their...
I'm excited to have a first-time guest featured on my page. Kaye McClaren is a client of mine that has survived and is now a warrior for breast implant illness. Her story is quite amazing and her pictures are...
Every time I see my mom, I’m grateful for her healing and how she’ll get to see my boys become men. (Unless God has other plans).🌈 Her friends say she is aging in reverse.📺...
TAKE A LOOK AT OUR GOVERNMENT-RUN SCHOOL LUNCHES, IS IT A WONDER WHY T2D IS RAMPANT?🚨The youngest child diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is a 3-year-old who weighs 77 pounds and followed a nutrient-poor...
Community is so vital that I have a holistic health section in Carnivore Cure. The section talks about the importance of the right community. I even did a presentation at KetoCon 2020 on the...