Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



Microblog: Richest Foods in Potassium – Top 24!

RICHEST POTASSIUM SOURCES (as unbiased as possible!)🌱We think of minerals being richest in plants. Yes, technically gram for gram, some plants have more minerals.⚠️But context matters.🔎And I LOVE how Nutriment now makes this level of nuanced context easily accessible. (Just search on the Nutrient Ranking section!)✌🏼Some people have abandoned a carnivore or ketogenic diet because of mineral imbalances.❓Sure 100 g comparisons, raisins, dates and figs have more potassium, but what about all the carbohydrates (without much fiber) and all the antinutrients?❓Why do we think fruit is safer than veggies?⁉️If you compare the fruit vs. vegetables, there is NOT a stark difference in antinutrient (plant toxins). So who came up with nature’s candy wants to be eaten?🦄Let’s stop believing internet gurus and their magical safe plant...


Microblog: Bioavailable Copper

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.As @nutritiondetective and I discuss, some people are really into bioavailable copper lately.🩸I’ve done hundreds of hair mineral tests and bloodwork. Only about 5% may need copper supplementation. (Or they can eat oysters!)⚠️Copper is used as an IUD to stop pregnancies.⚠️We also have too much copper in our water supply.🌱Yes, one of the number one organic pesticides used on plant-based foods is copper.⚠️We also use copper pipes and copper wiring in homes.💊I recommend minerals for some of my clients (when deficient and for temporary) and we recommend the formula that says “copper and iron free.”❓(If supplementing iron and copper was safe, why are there formulas without them?)⚠️The notion for more copper is concerning as the signs of excess copper are much common...


Microblog: About Nutrition with Judy: Why We Serve

I don’t think I’ve ever done an about me post!⛑My name is Judy Cho and I’m board certified in holistic nutrition. I’m a nutritional therapy practitioner and the author of @carnivorecure.🙏🏼I frankly serve because I believe it’s what God has commanded me to do. And I frankly LOVE it.🥩I have a holistic health private practice where we focus on getting people to root-cause healing, and we usually start with the Carnivore Cure’s meat-only elimination diet.⭐️Our team focuses on making wellness accessible for all. Our priority is getting our clients to optimal health.🥀It’s not always an easy journey, but we are right there with them along the journey.💔And frankly, we get it because we’ve all had our crazy healing journeys that brought us to carnivore.🙋🏻‍♀️I was a...


Microblog: How to Preserve Muscle

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.The way to preserve muscle mass:🥩Adequate quality protein (and timing)🤸🏻‍♀️Specific movement⚠️This isn’t the recommendation for building mass. Building requires heavy lifting.💡And if you don’t like heavy lifting, fine. But most people can walk and stretch.🥩And EVERYONE can eat meat and sarcopenia CAN be avoided.—📺 Full interview on YouTube with Dr. Layman: https://youtu.be/DVi2KFXYhT4🎙Full interview on podcast: https://nutritionwithjudy.buzzsprout.com/1848795/10793415-secret-to-weight-loss-without-losing-muscle-dr-donald-layman ...


Microblog: Amino Acid Imbalances in Plant Proteins

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.Plant-based is NOT ideal.🌈What culture has ever lived off plants or eaten the "rainbow?"💡Humans cannot eat most plants and some of the plants we do eat are bred from the same plant (e.g., Brassica aka wild mustard)KohlrabiKaleBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageMustardCauliflower⚠️That's not the rainbow. It's one plant.Something to think about.Dr. Donald Layman says protein should always be measured by:⭐️Quantity⭐️Quality⭐️Bioavailability (absorption)⭐️Distribution (timing of meals)🔎We should also move away from just counting proteins for all amino acid needs.🔥We prioritize protein because of the essential amino acids. All foods with protein are not created the same when it comes to essential amino acids.Dr. Layman says that when a child consumes almond milk, there is almost no protein.🔻Quality is poor (the essential amino acids are lackluster)🔻Bioavailability is...


Microblog: Can We Eat Too Much Protein?

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.Can you eat too much protein?🥀I have seen some clients have worsening eGFR on carnivore but it may not be only due to protein consumption.🥩Whatever the reason, when my clients eat higher fat carnivore (70% fat and 30% protein in terms of total calories, with about 0.8 g of protein per 1 lb of ideal body weight,) the eGFR improves.💡When I see clients eat more than 1 g of protein per 1 lb of ideal body weight, I often see health markers decline, especially if they are limiting fat.🩸Markers aren’t everything but if you don’t feel well, then take a closer look at your blood markers.🔎As an example, markers change with exercise, such as ALT and AST (liver markers) elevating....


Microblog: The Need for More Protein as We Age

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.Dr. Donald Layman is an expert on protein.⚠️We are not eating enough protein.💔In one study, the estimates indicated that 7.7% of adolescent females and 7.2-8.6% of older adult women reported consuming protein levels below their estimated average requirement. (PMID: 18469286)🥀The problem is that the dietary guidelines for protein is already subpar. (Dr. Layman explains this more in our chat).🥩Protein is the building block of our body. Yet as people age, they tend to eat even less protein.🦷Maybe because of the overwhelming (but false) beliefs that meat is hard on digestion or that it's hard on the teeth.💪🏼If you want to age gracefully (maintain muscle mass) and live longer, protein is the macro you want to get enough of.⭐️and fat for...


Microblog: Carnivore Rules to Live By

SOME RULES TO LIVE BY!It’s important to watch your electrolytes. If you ate avocados daily and now don’t eat them, you may initially feel a deficiency in potassium. If you stop eating any nuts or chocolate, you may feel a deficiency in magnesium.⠀🧂If you ever feel muscle aches, headaches, or overall weakness, I recommend sole water. Mineral salt and magnesium spray can do wonders.💧8 oz of water⠀¼ tsp of mineral salt (sole)Magnesium spray– since magnesium is best absorbed through the skin. I usually spray a few times before bed as magnesium relaxes the muscles.💡Try magnesium spray if you feel muscle aches and restless legs at night. Spray directly on calves (or location of muscle aches).💡Some need potassium in the day. Find the balance that works...
