Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



Microblog: Snack Swaps: Potato Chips vs. Pork Rinds

Even to my shock potatoes have a pretty decent amount of nutrition. ⚠️But potatoes have their share of risks. 🧪Many potatoes are modified with fortified nutrients. We don’t know how natural these potatoes are and what these added nutrients do to our body. 🍟If we consider how we eat potatoes, they’re usually as chips or fries—lathered in seed oils and forms of MSG. 🔎Even if potatoes are all natural, here’s some of the antinutrients from @carnivorecure’s Nutriment food toxin database: (only listing high and above antinutrients) 🔻Oxalates🔻Trypsin🔻Polyphenol (yes it can be an antinutrient in excess)🔻Salicylates🔻Lectins🔻Flavonoids🔻Tannins🔻Nightshade🔻High in Glycemic Index ⚠️If you suffer from gut issues or autoimmune illness, nightshades should probably be avoided. 🔥Nightshades (solanaceae) can stimulate an autoimmune disease to flare up. 🥔In fact, potato poisoning is a diagnosable illness. 🚨Potatoes and many other...


Microblog: Healing Takes Time: Cell Regeneration

Be patient with healing and weight loss. Don’t try to outpace losing weight. It’s not a sprint or a competition. 💡Even if you are ahead of the weight loss game, you will eventually feel the adverse effects. Undereating can cause hormone imbalances and adrenal issues. ⠀ 💡You didn’t get sick overnight so don’t expect to heal overnight. ❓If liver cells take 300-500 days to replace, how do you expect to lose X amount of weight in 2 weeks? Especially after eating poorly for decades? · Blood neutrophils: 1 – 5 days⠀· Bone osteoblasts: 90 – 100 days⠀· Bone osteoclasts: 14 days⠀· Fat storage cells: 8 – 10 years⠀· Hippocampal neurons: 20 – 30 years⠀· Intercostal skeletal muscle cells: 15 years⠀· Intestinal epithelial cells: 5 days⠀· Liver cells: 300 –...


Microblog: Oxalate Dumping

Watch the clip here. Watch the full interview here. Another throwback! Some of us starting a carnivore diet can have oxalate dumping. @toxicsuperfoods_oxalate_book is the expert in this area. If you’ve eaten lots of:🔻Turmeric🔻Almonds🔻Spinach🔻Dark chocolate and lots of other “superfoods” that are plant-based, you may need to slow down the oxalate load instead of stopping all at once. 💡When the body feels there’s less to store, it will start releasing to remove. 💔It’s what we know as oxalate dumping. Not everyone experienced it but for some, the illness is very real. 🎉Sally and I will be releasing another interview in the next few months, so look out for it!—📺 Throwback full interview on YouTube with Sally Norton: https://youtu.be/F4ZKUM7qb9E 🎙Throwback full interview on podcast: https://nutritionwithjudy.buzzsprout.com/1848795/9168187-superfoods-that-will-harm-you-the-truth-about-oxalates-it-s-more-than-just-kidney-stones ...


Microblog: Proper Metabolism – Caloric Needs of the Body

A body isn't forgiving when nutrient status is depleted. 🙅🏻‍♀️I'm not a fan of calorie counting long-term. Yes, when we first start carnivore, we should track for a week or two to get a sense of what eating sufficiently looks like but long term, calorie counting is not ideal. 💡Our body is not a calculator. We are a collection of complicated chemical processes that are so heavily reliant and affected by hormones. No amount of calorie tweaking is going to change this. 🥴You may find a sweet spot for a while, but over time, that sweet spot will turn sour. (e.g., hormone and thyroid imbalances) 🧘🏻‍♀️We want to heal from metabolic disease. Give it time. 🥀We want to lose weight but when we take shortcuts by undereating, we can cause...


Microblog: Immune System Support

How do we support our immune system?🔥Inflammation is when the immune system is activated because an invader is detected. Depending on the type of virus and what white cells go to work, you will feel (or not feel) any symptoms.⠀⠀⛑Feeling a fever, run-down or inflammation is our immune response as the white cells try to fight off the invader and heal.⠀⠀📚Studies show that mice lose their appetite with viruses but would eat again after the flu. Depending on the virus, our immune cells that go to work differ. This is why sometimes eating supports a viral response but can be harmful when fighting a bacterial invader.⠀🚫Mice did best staying away from sugar. Their immune system was stronger and they were able to use ketones to...


Microblog: Carnivore + CIRS

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.After working with hundreds of meat-only clients, I know there can be a deeper root cause issue. And a big root cause is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).🔥CIRS is a multi-system, multi-symptom inflammatory illness from exposure to a biotoxin. (e.g., mold or Lyme)🦠Homes and buildings are issues because of the paper and porous material used that once in contact with water, can produce mold spores (if not completely dry) in 48 hours.❤️‍🩹Some people can heal from mold exposure overtime (especially if they are removed from exposure) but an estimated 25% of the population cannot clear the mold.🧠This ends up becoming chronic inflammation (and of the brain).❄️Brain on fire then turns to brain on ice (grey matter atrophy).💡If you’ve been eating...


Microblog: Nutrition With Judy’s Mission Statement

Watch the clip here. Watch the full interview here. In my 5 year carnivore solo episode, I shared my thoughts about what and why I share. 💔I've had several people complain that I don't limit my guests to carnivore. 🤩I take that as I'm doing something right. 💡I don't believe it's healthy to live in an echo chamber. Otherwise, we’d never have realized that for some people organs like liver don't do a body good. 🥩We would also think beef, salt and water are the only options for healing. ⛑But working with hundreds of clients and being in the social media space has brought me humility. I've learned I'll never know enough to help every single person. And I'll never have the final answer that will answer every single question. And I've grown to be...


Microblog: Are We Intended to Eat Some Plants?

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview hereAre we meant to eat plants?🍒Berries and twigs have always been around. Maybe even mushrooms.❓So are we supposed to eat plants?There are about 390,000+ plants in the world.🔎Yet we eat about 200 different plants.❌As I grew up in the city, I was taught at a young age never to eat mushrooms or wild berries off a random bush.⚠️There are more plants that are dangerous than there are safe plants for consumption.❓So why do we think plants are the most beneficial for health?🥩Some plants can have benefits (via hormesis) but most plants were consumed because of limited access to meats.📚Dr. Miki Ben-Dor is a paleoanthropologist that has researched and published his findings on diet during all of human evolution.💡And his findings...


Microblog: Stopping the Cycle of Food & Stress

Watch the clip here.Watch the full interview here.How it all started…About 3 years ago @lauraespath joined the Nutrition with Judy podcast and shared her carnivore journey.Fast forward three years, and the rest is history.Since then:🦋Laura supported #Carnivore75Hard👥We both admin the #Carnivore75Hard Facebook🎙We are the host of the very popular Cutting Against the Grain podcast with nearly 500k downloads.🥩Our families have become a tight knit meaty community.And while 3 years has gone by, some things stay the same.❤️‍🩹We will always advocate for real-life healing and sharing real-talk to help people heal.♥️We will always share hope because wellness can be for all.⛑And we will always share real talk.—🎙 Cutting Against the Grain: https://cutting-against-the-grain.buzzsprout.com/📺 Throwback full interview on YouTube with Laura Spath: https://youtu.be/rYSu1DzC6eE🎙Throwback full interview on podcast: https://nutritionwithjudy.buzzsprout.com/1848795/9168186-balancing-real-life-and-120-lbs-54-kgs-weight-loss-how-one-mom-works-and-successfully-self-cares ...
