The CATG podcast talks about the fear of being keto (read: carnivore).You can listen to the podcast episode, here.🚨Warning: it gets very real.Healing and detoxing is not just the body.🧠The mind is a big...
If you notice dry skin on a carnivore diet…❓Are you undereating? (Thyroid-related)💧Are you drinking enough water + electrolytes? (Minerals)✖️Are you limiting fat? (Cholesterol)⚠️The trend is high protein and leaner meats but if you do...
SIGNS OF KIDNEY IMBALANCE✖️General weakness and malaise✖️Bad or potent breath✖️Metallic taste (different than keto breath)✖️Get colds pretty easily✖️Burning sensation during urination (can be similar to UTIs)✖️Frequent urination✖️Increased blood pressure✖️Swelling and inflammationFACTORS THAT CAUSE KIDNEY...
We need good gut health for optimal health. Two reasons:1. Most of our immune system is in the gut2. We breakdown and absorb all of our nutrients through the digestive process.—✖️Without good gut health,...
Detoxification is the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins. If the detox pathways are blocked, toxins can accumulate and the body becomes overburdened.🗑When dealing with toxic exposure and an overall high toxic load, the...
Every time I see my mom, I’m grateful for her healing and how she’ll get to see my boys become men. (Unless God has other plans).🌈 Her friends say she is aging in reverse.📺...
When detoxing, I always hear about antioxidants and why we need plants. Here’s what I have to say about that:📚Excerpt from @carnivorecure Ch 11:The body makes antioxidants, but many occur naturally in foods. Antioxidants are rich...
❓So what exactly are toxins?❓What adds to the toxin bucket list?💡Remember, it’s the accumulation of many toxins that cause disease and illness. Our genetics will affect what toxins turn on illness but lowering overall...
What is THE correct answer to this math problem?💡There is no one correct answer.And why it’s a powerful demonstration of truth, facts, and “the right way.”🔢A friend sent me this math problem and I...