SOME RULES TO LIVE BY!It’s important to watch your electrolytes. If you ate avocados daily and now don’t eat them, you may initially feel a deficiency in potassium. If you stop eating any nuts...
SNEAK PEAK of @CarnivoreCure's Edition 2 Graphic!📖Nutrition is always evolving with new information and I’ve updated my beginner’s guide! (does not contain this graphic!)🐂Your primary source of food should come from both ruminant...
INTRO TO MEAT-ONLY CARNIVORE! I do this series about once every 6 months and try to support old and new friends of the carnivore community!I always refine these graphics with the latest updates!✅Get ready...
In @CarnivoreCure, there is a chapter entirely dedicated to lifestyle. Holistic health doesn't make sense without considering the fundamental areas of sleep, stress, fasting, exercise and even longevity.🧠I also talk about mindset, how we...
If you choose to eat carnivore, higher fat is ideal.❓Why?🔥Our body primarily wants to use fat or glucose for energy. You have to pick a side. (Randle Cycle)🧬Proteins are essential building blocks for the...
As World Carnivore Month comes to an end, here are some of the healing benefits of a carnivore diet. Most people experience some of these benefits within the first 30 days.🚥For some, they heal...
The recently released Carnivore survey study is one step in the right direction.
If you consider the bloodwork data, you can’t change these truths:🩸2000+ participants showed bloodwork of health improvements.🌟2000+ participants stated they feel better...