Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



Why I Should Try Carnivore - Healing a Sick Body

Microblog: Why Carnivore?

As World Carnivore Month comes to an end, here are some of the healing benefits of a carnivore diet. Most people experience some of these benefits within the first 30 days.🚥For some, they heal...


Candida: Causes, Symptoms & Supports

[ez-toc]   An Introduction to Candida: What is it? In this article, we will explore the details of what Candida is, how it can become a problem, why it can negatively affect your health, what to look for, and how to determine if you have it.   Candida albicans can...

Microblog: Happy 2021 Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving.Researchers wanted to see if daily feelings of gratitude could be a buffer against the negative consequences of CVID-19.📖This study asked participants to complete an online daily questionnaire which included questions about their...