Microblog: Risks of Exogenous Hormones
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Watch the full interview here.
We tend to think that if we are low in something, it’s fine to supplement.
💊We tend to think that if we are in pain, it’s fine to supplement.
⚠️The body strives to be in a perfect state of balance. If something is wrong within the body, the body will present that SOMETHING is off.
⚠️But the SOMETHING isn’t always the root cause.
❓WHY is the SOMETHING off?
🚨If you are low in progesterone, it’s usually not because you need more progesterone.
🚨Sure, more progesterone can help temporarily (as can estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, melatonin, thyroid meds…)
Usually, the imbalance is something deeper.
🌪Too much stress affecting the endocrine system
🌪Chronic fatigue syndrome (CIRS, biotoxin, mold issues). Yes, these lower sex hormone status
🌪Too little dietary cholesterol fat (steroid hormones are made from cholesterol)
🌪Too little protein (to support thyroid and the building blocks of the body)
🌪Plastics and estrogenic things (that mimic estrogen and causing disturbances)
❓If some of these are the root cause problem, what happens when we add supplemental support? Are we fueling the problem?
❓If the body is intentionally making something low, what happens when we add excess? Will it make the overall issue worse?
⚠️Supplementing hormones is not always ideal. I don’t tell my clients to get off hormones but I let them know where I stand.
⚠️We never had hormone replacements and all these ____ medications even 150 years ago. We are the most medicated country in the world.
⚠️We need to start focusing on healing the root cause rather than popping a pill. In the long run, it may do more harm than good.
⛑Find what makes sense for you by working with your trusted practitioner.