Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies

early covid vs long covid

Understanding Early COVID-19 vs. Long COVID-19

early covid vs long covid

Original Publish Date: 1/8/22


Early COVID-19 Protocol

I take COVID-19 seriously in that you can get sick and really sick. Early treatment is very important. I highly recommend having all the resources you need in case you do get the virus. If you try to get all the supplements and alternative medications once you have the virus, it might be too late.


Be prepared.


This list shares some of the recommendations for early treatment. I also recommend watching Joe Rogan’s podcast with Dr. McCullough and separately with Dr. Malone.


You can order some of the alternative medications here, too. Make sure to work with your trusted practitioner for dosage specifics.


One other supplement my family took was L-arginine.


Since my family has now had COVID-19, I can talk about our experiences. Both my parents have chosen to not get vaccinated. They are both 70 years old and meat-based. Both had Type II diabetes and high cholesterol but since being meat-based, they do not take any medications. They followed the AFD protocol with some of my other recommendations and after just a couple of days, they are doing well. They thought they had a cold and were frankly surprised they tested positive.


I didn’t have ivermectin so I took heavier doses of quercetin and NAC. I had body aches for a couple of days but overall am doing better. It felt like a really bad flu. I frankly wish I had ivermectin and wish I had planned better. (I prepared for my parents but not for myself).


My kids had a bit of a cough but no signs of being sick. They tested positive for COVID-19 and took smaller doses of quercetin, NAC, and other supplements. We did take some vitamin D but not too much as I’m still on the fence about excess vitamin D supplementation.


I talked about the conflicting studies on vitamin D supplementation in Carnivore Cure but you can also see a Vitamin D study that shares how the lowest all-cause mortality lies between 20-24 ng/ml. No benefit in being above 21 ng/ml.


The study used nmol/liter, whereas most in the US are familiar with ng/ml.

  • “Vitamin D insufficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] < 50 nmol/liter) is prevalent (1–3) and has been suggested to be involved in various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, immune system diseases, and certain cancers (4–8).
  • The biomarker used for the determination of vitamin D status is 25(OH)D, rather than the biologically active hormone 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (9)”
  • But the results are surprising when you realize insufficiency level has the lowest mortality.


Now vitamin D has a lot of studies that show better COVID-19 outcomes so to play it safe during this pandemic, I am supportive of people wanting to supplement vitamin D. Our family took small amounts this week. But once the pandemic is over, it’s something worth considering: whether vitamin D supplementation is ideal or not. This will be very individualized.


Excess vitamin D can impact calcium levels and can actually be an indicator of low magnesium and other mineral levels. For now, supplement the vitamin D as you feel comfortable.


Pandemic Mass Psychosis Syndrome

This COVID-19 mass psychosis discussion is really important. I hope you take the time and watch this video clip of Dr. Malone. It really explains why some people really believe (no matter what) that the only solution is vaccinating everyone.


My entire family is not vaccinated and we were not a burden on the healthcare system. Not one of us went to the doctor and as soon as we found out we had COVID-19, we quarantined. Some people may need the vaccine but not everyone does.


Please watch the video clip on Dr. Malone’s explanation of mass psychosis.


Long COVID Protocol

According to the FLCCC Alliance, up to 80% of patients experience prolonged illness after contracting COVID-19. Long COVID, also known as Long Haul COVID Syndrome (LHCS), may persist for months after the acute infection.


  • Symptoms very similar to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), chronic fatigue syndrome, and myalgic encephalomyelitis
  • Many consider long COVID to be a variant of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)
  • Symptom groups include respiratory, neurological/psychiatric, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, autonomic, gastrointestinal disturbance, dermatologic, and mucus membranes
  • Initial long COVID testing recommended:
    • CBC with lymphocyte count and CD8+ count
    • Chemistry with Liver Functions test
    • CRP
    • Ferritin
    • D-dimer
    • Early morning cortisol
    • Thyroid function tests
    • HbA1C
    • Autoantibodies
    • Antibodies/PCR against EBV Herpes I/II and CMV
    • Vitamin D level


If you think you may have long COVID, work with a trusted practitioner for this treatment protocol.


Most people get better from COVID-19 after 2 weeks to a month of being exposed. However, some people have symptoms that persist past four weeks. When symptoms persist for longer than four weeks, the diagnosis becomes long COVID or long-haul syndrome.


It seems that the sicker someone is and the longer the duration of illness, the more likely they will have long COVID.


What are the symptoms of long COVID?

Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Joint pain
Memory problems
Loss of taste or smell (sometimes zinc helps!)
Muscle pain


Probiotics and Enzymes Improve Long COVID

The thought is that these symptoms linger due to damage to the mitochondria, lungs, immune system, and nervous system. One study showed that taking probiotics can support the gut microbiome which then can help the body heal from long COVID symptoms.


According to a study, about 12 million people suffer from long COVID symptoms and those symptoms may be alleviated after 14 days of probiotics, especially muscle soreness and brain fog. (PMID: 34564089)


In this study, one hundred participants received supplemental probiotics and enzymes while the other hundred participants received a placebo. What’s fascinating is that 91 of the 100 participants who took supplements had a resolution of muscle fatigue. That’s 91%.


You can always try a little bit of fermented liquid, kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut to support the microbiome. But many carnivores can’t tolerate fermentation.


If you have poor gut health, it’s inevitable that your immune health will struggle. Most of our immune system is in our gut. Depending on the triggers (assaults to the gut), we will have higher risks of autoimmune illness and inflammation.


Nutrition absolutely affects your gut microbiome and your immune system. One study shared how our diet plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of disease.


And don’t forget how the gut and brain are also closely connected. I suffered from severe postpartum depression. As I ate meat-only and worked towards healing my gut, I stopped suffering from depression (and stopped all antidepressants). Look into the vagus nerve and how when we’re stressed, our digestive system shuts down so we can focus all our might on surviving.


Imagine what happens when our body thinks we’re always in a stressed state and we eat during those times.


If you want to read more about mental health, gut health, and nutrition, you can find my articles and microblogs on mental health. I will always have a special place for gut disease, eating disorders, and mental health healing stories with a carnivore diet. I lived with all of them for way too long.


But healing is possible.


If you want to try the long COVID probiotics, I recommend BioDoph as it’s closest to the makeup of the one used in the study. I also recommend digestive enzymes and immunoglobulins.


If you are sensitive to prebiotics (fibers), then I recommend Lactozyme.


If you are new to probiotics and don’t know much about the different strains, I recommend reading the content of my probiotic restart kit. It helps give you a 10,000-foot view of the different strains.


I don’t really believe that strain A can do X in the body but I do believe a general population does us a body good.


If you are suffering from long COVID, my heart goes out to you. Chronic fatigue is a very serious illness that sometimes we take too lightly. I have clients that have to pause their entire life to focus on only healing.


Be thankful for your health. My clients humble me daily and I never take my family’s health for granted.


In health,


Nutrition with Judy

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