Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: The Essential Minerals and Vitamins of the Ribeye

Over 2 years ago, I started making graphics to share truths about meat-based nutrition. I was plant-based for 12+ years and it got me really sick.

🌱I should have added quality fats and supplemented nutritional deficiencies—I just didn’t know.

👥As I started healing from disordered eating and bouts of depression, I wanted to give back—so that no one would go through what I went through.

⛑With my graphics and micro-blog captions, I try to educate and give you back the power to heal and live your best life.

🌟I share ideals but also try to instill real life with my posts. I hope that most of my posts give you the fight to want better.

📚In the two years I’ve been sharing, I went back to nutritional therapy school as I fell in love with nutrition and currently working towards getting board certified in holistic nutrition.

📖I wrote @CarnivoreCure to be a one-stop-shop resource for all things meat-based nutrition and to also provide you the step-by-step process to do the ultimate elimination diet.

📘I wrote the book because I wanted a resource to support you to keep going, even if the world around you is anti-meat or pro-lots of vegetables (and fruits).

🥀Lots of mistruths in nutrition. LOTS. I hope @CarnivoreCure opens your eyes to a lot of issues with our current nutritional recommendations.

💡In the 2+ years of serving the community, I’ve had a-ha moments and have changed my opinion on areas that I never thought I would.

No, I haven’t joined the sugar bandwagon.

🔎But I wonder if some of the people that are leaving meat-based is because they’ve been looking down the wrong rabbit hole.

I will share a lurking variable soon.

🔦I hope these rabbit holes will allow for more healing in the community. If you’ve followed my work since the beginning, I’ve always tried to be giving, honest, and human.

🔥Lots of changes coming but what I can promise you is that my heart is always in the place of serving.

🥩And one thing that remains the same is that ribeyes will always be nutrient-dense good food.

Nutrition with Judy


  • rechie malate
    June 10, 2024 at 2:28 am

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