Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Cortisol Impacts Thyroid & Sex Hormones (Part 2)

Watch the clip here.


Continuing from the last post. If we have blood sugar issues, the entire hormone system (endocrine system) will prioritize cortisol to help you survive another day.


🔎Hypothyroid and hormone imbalances are not root cause. Oftentimes it’s something to do with an excess tap on cortisol.


Cortisol is a necessary hormone, it’s when we use it in excess that it is not ideal. Cortisol’s role is:
🔹Blood sugar regulation
🔹Inflammation reduction
🔹Metabolism regulation
🔹Memory formulation


So what are causes of chronic cortisol output?
🔻Blood sugar issues
🔻Pituitary and adrenal gland issues (figure out why)


Other real life examples of chronic cortisol output:
🔺Undereating (includes excess fasting without proper refeeds)
🔺Over training and exercising
🔺Not enough dietary protein and fat
🔺Water damaged building (mold illness increases ACTH levels which affect cortisol)
🔺Life stressors and trauma (the body keeps the score)


⛑️I have a few clients that “healed” on carnivore and started adding carbs for variety. After 1+ years they are back and being treated for mold illness. And all of them have hormone/thyroid issues.


💡Dietary carbs are not a root cause here, but a bandaid. Eating carbs if you can handle and tolerate them, is fine. But they’re never a root cause solution. And time will tell.

Nutrition with Judy

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