Microblog: Chronic Diet Cycle – Carnivore as Example

It’s easy to blame a diet. Any diet.
😤I blamed a plant-based diet for ruining my health after following it for 12 years.
🍃But the reality is that there are some people that do well on it IF they supplement smartly AND have good gut health.
🌱It’s a hard way to eat for proper nutrition but some people do well on it.
⚠️Not a lot but some.
❗️At a certain point, we have to be honest, stop blaming the diet, and see where the individual roles are in the cause of less than ideal outcomes.
Things I can agree with the Peaters are:
🔅the inclusion of more minerals
🔅the inclusion of more calories
❗️We must fuel the body well for the body to heal. Well, as in sufficient calories from proteins AND fats.
🔁The consistent theme I see is that on Carnivore, people undereat and on sugar-rich diets, people start to overeat.
🌟If you allow your body to eat sufficiently on a meat-based/keto diet, a lot of healing happens.
🍗Most people can’t be honest with themselves and instead blame the diet.
⚠️But one day, you’ll remember the “CHOOSE YOUR HARD” graphic.
⛑I don’t care what diet you follow. I just want our communities to heal. And at a certain point, we need to take a look within and be honest with our own selves.
💣Because if you keep only blaming the diet, you will chase your tail and end up back at square one. Every. Single. Time. And I don’t wish that for anyone.

Dean Hobbs
April 1, 2022 at 8:13 pmJudy you are simply amazing. Thank you so much. Your graphics are so amazing . I study them.