Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies

2022 cdc updates

2022 CDC Updates and Pandemic Statistics

2022 cdc updates

Original Publish Date: 8/27/22


There are more updates and you can find the full list, here.


Here are some highlights: 

  • The CDC now recommends personal responsibility and that each person should decide “which prevention behaviors to use and when, based on their own risk for severe illness and that of members of their household, their risk tolerance, and setting-specific factors.”
  • The CDC is removing COVID-19 vaccine status differentiations: “COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur…and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection”  (emphasis mine) (Source)
  • The CDC has reserved testing for people that “are symptomatic, or have a known or suspected exposure to someone with COVID-19,” isolation is only for those who are symptomatic and have tested positive, and contact tracing is now restricted to healthcare settings and select “high-risk congregate settings”
  • You can see the full list under “COVID-19 Prevention Strategies

The big takeaway is that regardless of your vaccination status, the recommendations for masks, isolation, and how to handle testing positive for COVID-19 are the same. Oh, and natural immunity is a thing.


Image Source: CDC


Now this may not seem like a big deal but it’s very different from how the unvaccinated were treated not too long ago. 


CDC’s Recommendations in December 2021 for the unvaccinated and not boosted vs. the people fully vaccinated and fully boosted were clearly different.


cdc covid recommendations

Image Source: CDC


So if the unvaccinated and vaccinated are now to follow the same set of rules when it comes to the COVID-19 virus, why are we still being recommended to get boosters and vaccinate our young children?

There have been headlines sharing that the handling of COVID-19 wasn’t ideal. Anthony Fauci is also resigning at the end of the year. Here are links to additional reading: 




Below is data released from the CDC. If you notice, natural immunity had the best outcome in most COVID-19 cases. This means that if you have COVID-19, natural immunity is better than immunity from COVID-19 vaccines. (SOURCEFull Article Source)


Image Source: CDC


The CDC knows that if a person has COVID-19 (which most of us have had by now), and they are unvaccinated, their immunity is strong. The CDC’s data shows natural immunity is powerful. (SourceSource


The CDC data is from May – November of 2021. The paper was released in January of 2022. So why was the CDC recommending the vaccine for people who had COVID-19 even in December of 2021? (and why all the vaccine mandates with job loss threats?) 


Below is a December 2021 snapshot of the CDC website through a web archive. (Oddly the link doesn’t work on phones. If you open it on your desktop, it will work…) Here’s the full link: https://web.archive.org/web/20211204050142/https:/www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html


Image Source: CDC


Additionally, the following is a recent share of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These are reports from doctors, providers, parents, and patients who have had negative responses to any vaccines.


vaccine adverse reactions

Image Source: CDC


If there are known risks to the COVID-19 vaccine, why were people being told to get the vaccine when natural immunity is king?


Why were previously infected COVID-19 people, recommended/required to get the vaccine? 


And if we know children have a very, very minuscule chance of dying from COVID-19, why were/are we vaccinating children?


Okay so with all of this said, I decided to share this mini ebook from Robert F. Kennedy (RFK). A few disclaimers beforehand: 


  • I don’t identify with any political party. Frankly, I think all of it is corrupt. If people want power, they will turn a blind eye. 
  • I don’t agree with 100% of the ebook but I agree with a lot of the discussion around the incorrect approach to the pandemic, including complete lockdowns, isolations, extensive masking, global vaccinations, and more. There is absolute nuance in every single one of these topics but I’m not going into those specifics here.
  • I want to share this ebook because RFK shares a lot of data and citations around the vaccination results and outcomes. Lots of citations if you have further questions. 
  • I’ve shared my thoughts about the vaccination before it was released and most of this article still holds true. 
  • I also shared more fervently about children getting the vaccine. It’s a hard no. 


If you wonder how countries fared that had mass vaccination mandates compared to countries with alternative treatments like ivermectin, you want to take a look at this ebook. 


If you wonder how countries of mass vaccination are doing compared to natural immunitiy, you want to take a look at this ebook. 


Below is the example of Israel. You can find the full ebook, A Letter to Liberals, here


There are a lot of hard truths in this 50+ page ebook but just like a mustard seed can grow to be a powerful tree, we must be honest with historical data and share as we can. Change is possible but we must all do our part. 


And while I may be small like a mustard seed, (and sharing this isn’t easy), I can sleep better at night knowing that I fought for my children’s future.



In health,


Nutrition with Judy

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