Microblog: Why Avoiding Dairy Is a Crutch
Watch the clip here.
Watch the full interview here.
I am an advocate of a meat-only carnivore diet for healing.
🐑You can do meat-only carnivore for long-term and thrive.
🌱There are plant-based toxins (antinutrients) that we may just do better without.
⛑But I believe in health and wellness over any specific diet.
🐄Initially as we heal, we may need to be ruminant-meat and water only. Hence the elimination diet.
💡But long-term, we should be able to tolerate all animal-based foods, including higher histamine seafood, eggs and dairy. (Raw dairy is best for sensitivities).
📊All animal-based foods have slightly different nutrient profiles but as a whole, it’s the most complete nutrient profile you will find.
🌈Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, salmon, oysters, butter, eggs = This is a rainbow of meats. And it covers all the essential vitamins and minerals.
Even some vitamin C.
❤️🩹If you can only tolerate certain meats, that’s okay. Do that while you heal.
🔎But if you are one year into meat-only carnivore and still sensitive to specific meats, it may be time to dig deeper.
🔸MCAS or histamines do not work alone.
🔸Candida and fungal overgrowth do not work alone.
🔸Gut issues do not work alone.
🕵🏻♀️There is always a root cause for imbalances and the goal is to figure out the underlying condition.
🥩Meat-only carnivore with a rainbow of meats, is the most nutrient-dense, low-inflammatory diet possible.
🍗But when we eat only specific meats that we can tolerate (even after one year), Carnivore becomes a band-aid.
🏅The goal is health. And if we have proper health, we can tolerate a rainbow of meats and be just fine.
🏆The goal is to TOLERATE plant-based whole foods but CHOOSE to eat meat-only or mostly meat.
To me, that is true health.
🥀If you can’t tolerate most meats (a lot of my clients can’t), work with someone to dig deeper. There is always a root-cause that’s causing the issue.
🌟I firmly believe we can all get to root-cause healing. It may take some work but it is possible.