Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



carnivore diet low thyroid

The Carnivore Diet and Low Thyroid

Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in managing the body's metabolic speed, which is why they have become a primary point of discussion among some mainstream wellness influencers and figures regarding nutritional ketosis.    It's well-documented...

jesus teachings and wellness

Jesus and Wellness

Our practice has opened up a Mind Body Program because we found a necessity after working with thousands of Carnivore clients and hundreds of CIRS patients.    But when we share about mind-body work, we're faced...

list of grains to avoid

List of Grains to Avoid

When it comes to grains, there are a lot of different opinions in both standard care and wellness spaces. Some diets advocate for eliminating them entirely, while others suggest certain grains can be safely...

bone marrow health benefits

What Are Bone Marrow Health Benefits?

Animal fats have gained recognition for their unparalleled health benefits, particularly within the growing community of individuals embracing low-carb and carnivore diets. These nutrient-dense fats are celebrated not only for their ability to provide...

healthy eating for kids

Healthy Eating for Kids

Walking down any grocery store aisle, you'll find colorful processed and packaged food options for our little ones. However, these aesthetically appealing food options should be limited for growing children.    Most of these packaged and...