Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Top 10 Global Cause of Death across the Centuries

Meat’s been getting blamed for climate change but usually, meat is falsely blamed for heart disease.

💔The number one and two cause of death globally is from heart disease (heart attacks and strokes). But if you look back to the 1900s, all forms of heart disease were grouped together and barely made the top 5.

In the 1800s, heart disease didn’t make the top 10 list.

❓Do you worry that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease?

📖I talk about cholesterol in-depth in @CarnivoreCure so make sure to read how our body has systems in place that self-regulates cholesterol levels (it’s not just the food).

🔍It’s interesting how pneumonia and flu were the top cause for death in the 1900s but doesn’t even make it on the list for the 2000s.

💉Yet we are deathly afraid of the flu’s cousin going around now. I digress.

📺Mainstream media says that we are consuming red meat at an alarmingly higher rate than ever but it’s just not true. While chicken consumption has increased, red meat has been on the decline, especially in the last couple of years.

📚Per Nina Teicholz, “In Putting Meat on the American Table, researcher Roger Horowitz mentions a survey of 8,000 Americans in 1909 showed that the poorest among them ate 136 lbs a year, and the wealthiest more than 200 lbs.

📰A food budget published in the New York Tribune in 1851 allots two pounds of meat per day for a family of five. Even slaves at the turn of the 18th century were allocated an average of 150 pounds of meat a year.”

🥩In the 18th century, about 175 lbs of meat were consumed per US adult annually, compared to the estimated 100 lbs of meat consumed today.

🐓And today’s 100 lbs of meat is half poultry (chicken and turkey), whereas beef was the main staple before.

🌾If you also look at “What’s on American’s Table’s,” we are also consuming much more grain and fats/oil compared to just 40 years ago. These fats aren’t saturated fats—it’s the canola, soybean and highly oxidized and inflammatory seed oils.

⚠️Refer to the table, but if you are the average American and consume 36 lbs of soybean oil annually, don’t blame the meat for what the grain and its oils did to the heart.


Nutrition with Judy

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