Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Why Sunscreen Isn’t Ideal

Why Sunscreen Isn’t Ideal

Sent by JUDY CHO | July 30, 2022


Did you see the release of Nutriment, Carnivore Cure’s plant toxin database (that has been expanded to all food sensitivities)?


Nutriment was definitiely a labor of love, I don’t know how accountants look at numbers and spreadsheets all day long.


Remember, as being part of the NwJ newsletter community, you can use code, “NEWSLETTER” at checkout to get 50% off your first month.


$5 for the first month and you can cancel any time! You also get my 23-page Carnivore Cure elimination diet protocol cheat sheet.


Sale ends Monday!


Explore Nutriment!




Nutrition with Judy “Ditch the Suncreen” excerpt:


Sunscreen is a multi-billion-dollar industry, yet there are no studies that prove that the use of sunscreen protects us from melanoma and basal carcinoma. In fact, the fatal types of melanoma never see the sun (the bottom of your foot and the anus). You can read more about melanoma and sunscreen here.


However, ever since 1978, when the first UVA sunblock was marketed, sunscreen sales have soared, but so too has melanoma.


Sunscreen has also been found in studies to cause leaky gut, hormonal dysfunction and neurological dysfunction.


Research by the Environmental Working Group has found that chemicals in sunscreen are very big endocrine disruptors.


Sunscreen is estrogenic, a potent anti-testosterone, and causes other adverse hormonal effects by possibly interfering with the thyroid. Of the 1400+ sunscreens tested, only 5% met their safety standards and over 40% considered skin cancer contributors.


You can read more here.


When you first get in the sun, antioxidants are protecting you. When these antioxidants can no longer protect you, that is when your skin starts to burn. When you use sunscreen, you are only blocking the 4% that is UV but the 47% that is infrared goes much deeper into the skin and into the mitochondria (the energy powerhouses of cells). When you wear sunscreen, you block the burn of the sun and so you stay out longer than your skin can handle and then that 47% of infrared gets into your skin causing all sorts of damage in our bodies.


How to Protect Yourself from the Sun?


The best option is to cover up and not go out in the sun during peak times of UV and infrared rays. If skin cancer doesn’t run in your family, there is even less reason to be using sunscreen.


Read the full list, here.


Limit Sunscreen







RICHEST POTASSIUM SOURCES (as unbiased as possible!)

🌱 We think of minerals being richest in plants. Yes, technically gram for gram, some plants have more minerals.

⚠️ But context matters.

🔎 And I LOVE how Nutriment now makes this level of nuanced context easily accessible. (Just search on the Nutrient Ranking section!)

✌🏼 Some people have abandoned a carnivore or ketogenic diet because of mineral imbalances.

❓ Sure 100 g comparisons, raisins, dates and figs have more potassium, but what about all the carbohydrates (without much fiber) and all the antinutrients?
❓ Why do we think fruit is safer than veggies?

⁉️ If you compare the fruit vs. vegetables, there is NOT a stark difference in antinutrient (plant toxins). So who came up with nature’s candy wants to be eaten?

🦄 Let’s stop believing internet gurus and their magical safe plant lists.

⛑ Rely on evidence-based research to really consider what plant-based foods are safe for you and considering ALL things.

💡 And considering all things, heart of palm is the safest plant-based food to eat for potassium.

❓ But let’s be honest, how many of us eat heart of palm or beet greens daily?

🐓But if you eat about 26 ounces of ONLY ground chicken, you hit your daily potassium level.

🥴 You can see how silly the PUFA context in animals becomes in the overarching understanding of nutrition.

🚨 Let’s leave n=1, emotions, and sugar addictions out of evidence-based nutrition.

🎉 On a serious note, if you want this level of nutritional context to support your personalized needs, check out Nutriment and no matter how much you try to manipulate the data in Nutriment, considering all things, NOTHING beats animal-based foods.

Okay, mic drop here. 🥩♥️

🔥 www.carnivorecure.com/nutriment


CATG PODCAST: Ep 70: Carnivore Differences: Men vs. Women with Chris Spath

In this week’s Cutting Against the Grain episode, Laura and I chat with Chris Spath about carnivore differences:

  • Can men eat leaner protein?
  • Defining satiety
  • Is weight loss easier for men?
  • Carbs more tolerable for men?
  • Electrolytes
  • Weight loss stories
  • Ground beef vs steak
  • Finding what works for you
  • Reverse dieting
  • Tips for meat-based eating


Listen Now!


Podcast Sponsor: Nutriment


Nutriment is THE MOST comprehensive elimination and reintroduction resource.


Nutriment is an evidence-based food sensitivity reference guide that helps you determine the foods to eliminate and reintroduce for your very own personalized elimination diet.


Do you struggle with:

  • conflicting information in nutritional science?
  • sticking to any diet long-term?
  • wanting to reintroduce foods but not sure where to start?
  • nutritional deficiencies or hypernutrition?


Nutriment includes the following diets:

  • Autoimmune Paleo Diet
  • Carnivore Diet
  • Casein Diet
  • Failsafe Diet
  • FODMAP Diet
  • GAPS Diet
  • Gluten Free
  • Histamine Free
  • SCD Diet
  • Wahls Protocol
  • Whole30 Diet


Nutriment also includes the following food sensitivities:

  • Flavonoids
  • Fructose
  • Glucosinolates
  • Glycemic Index
  • Histamines
  • Lectins
  • Nightshades
  • Oxalates
  • Phytates
  • Polyphenols
  • Purines
  • Salicylates
  • Saponins
  • Tannins
  • Trypsins
  • Nutriment also covers:
  • Calories
  • (Specific) Nutrient-density (of individual vitamins and minerals)
  • Hypernutrition or overnutrition
  • Animal-based toxins (from plants)
  • Plant-based toxins


Use code NEWSLETTER at checkout for 50% off your first month AND a BONUS 23-page Carnivore Cure cheat sheet protocol mini eBook. (Cancel anytime!)


If you’re ready for your very own personalized diet that you can stick to for the long term, Nutriment is for you.


Nutriment — Because the right personalized food is medicine.


ACT NOW! Sale ends MONDAY!


Get Nutriment


NUTRITION WITH JUDY PODCAST: Why Humans Are Carnivores: The Anthropological Case for Fatty Meat — Dr. Miki Ben-Dor


I’m excited to sit down with Dr. Miki Ben-Dor. We talk about his research between human evolution and nutrition and much more. Make sure to listen or watch the full interview to learn more.


We discuss the following:

  • Human evolution and nutrition research
  • Drinking water pH levels
  • Thoughts on eating plants
  • Carnivore diet or carbs in modern day
  • Thoughts on fat and lean animals
  • Importance of bone marrow
  • The most ideal diet
  • Thoughts on brain shrinkage
  • Where to find Dr. Miki Ben-Dor


You can listen here or watch here.


Watch Now!


NwJ NEW ARTICLE: Baby Formula: Is It Healthy and Safe?

We’ve all heard about the baby formula shortage. This article shares better homemade options of cow and goat milk formulas, only if breastfeeding is not an option.


You can read my breastfeeding article, here.


You can read the article here.


Read Now!



Now that Nutriment is released, I can heavily focus on Carnivore Cure’s 2nd edition. If I don’t finish the second edition soon, we will be out of the paperback version for awhile. 😳


Thank you for all the Carnivore Cure love. I hope to make an even better Carnivore Cure 2nd edition. Many of you have provided feedback and suggestions for version two and all suggestions have been noted!


Here’s a sneak peek of several images that are contending for version two!



Lots of exciting things coming up with Nutrition with Judy. As soon as I can share, I will!


Some of you have asked about my KetoCon 2022 talk and we will release a remade version on the Nutrition with Judy channel soon. Hope it inspires and brings positive change in your life!


Thank you for being part of this community. ♥️


Make sure to share this newsletter with your friends and loved ones as all freebies, inspirational hope, and evidence-based research is shared here first.



with ♥️ and hope for healing,





While I am a nutritional therapy practitioner and provide nutritional support, I am not providing medical advice. Any information provided in regards to nutritional therapy should not be considered medical advice or treatment. Always consult your primary care physician or medical team.