Microblog: You Also Know You’re Carnivore-Adapted When…

🧼Often times, I wash dishes by hand. I like to listen to podcasts or psychology books while doing the dishes. Sometimes, I need to wash a plate 3 different times until it stops feeling oily.⠀
💡One way we lessen the oil burden is by wiping down each plate with used napkins before washing.
🥓There is nothing like saving bacon fat and the tallow after homemade bone broth. I imagine all the future meats cooked with these divine fats.⠀
🔥When it comes to good BBQ, I question recommendations from non-carnivore meat eaters. Probably a bit smug but I just assume that their tastes for meat differs as they also eat the sauces, sides and breads.⠀
🥵I still deal with “I’m REALLY hungry” and the preceding hanger. Deep down I just think, “well if you just ate meat, you wouldn’t be going through this…” 😂.⠀
🥩How do I like my meat cooked? I used to always say medium-well. Now, it’s like tasting beef jerky.⠀
🌬Breath… I notice my breath is worse when I consume dairy and when I extended fast. Sometimes I wonder if the trade off of no gas, is worth the stank breath.⠀
🥞Chaffles. It’s a love hate relationship. We don’t think ketofied foods are the best and so we almost don’t want to like carnivorefies chaffles. BUT.they’re.just.so.good.⠀
🥬I think it’s safe to say that everyone but the Carnivore community thinks that green smoothies are the power way to health. Green drink? No thank you.⠀
💨I rarely have gas but if I do, I know I ate something questionable. Then when I do have gas, I question the release.⠀
❓TMI? Probably. But I bet you know what I’m talking about. 😉.