Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Why Sugar Substitutes Don’t Help Poor Food Relationships

Watch the clip here.


Watch the full interview here.


If you struggle with food addiction, sugar substitutes may not help you heal long term.


💔When I was first healing, a Diet Coke would set me off for a binge cycle. I quickly learned that I needed to stop all sweet profile flavors for a while.


❤️‍🩹Fast forward over 5 years, with a lot of meat and healing, now I can tolerate some sweet or sweeteners without going over the edge.


💡It took time to get here and most days I still choose meat-only. If you struggle with a poor relationship with food— and always turning to food for every emotion, the sweetener may be a bad crutch that’s not allowing you to fully heal.


🍭For me these sweeteners on good days helped me through, but on bad days, were the catalyst for a binge.


⛑️Find what works for you but always get to root-cause healing.


📺 Full interview on YouTube. https://youtu.be/Z_7kvtubVg0


🎙Full interview on podcast: https://nutritionwithjudy.buzzsprout.com/1848795/11997788-211-controlling-sugar-cravings-emotional-eating-with-the-proper-tools-danielle-daem

Nutrition with Judy

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