Microblog: Why I Shared About Risks of Liver Consumption
Watch the clip here.
Watch the full interview here.
I don’t sell or gain any financial benefit in sharing this cautionary liver content. And I’m the last person to share something controversial just to be controversial.
🐄When I started sharing some of the liver content, the pushback on social media was real—including with influencers that became distant.
But I’m okay with it.
🍔If I wanted to do easy and easily-loved content, I would have become a mainstream “everything in moderation” nutritionist.
That’s pretty easy.
🧮The math is pretty simple with children’s liver and hypervitaminosis A.
⚠️The Tolerable Upper Intake Limit (UL) for vitamin A with 1-3 year olds is 600 mcg or 2000 IU.
⚠️1 ounce of beef liver (1419 mcg) is 237% of the Tolerable Upper Intake Level and 473% of the Daily Allowance.
⚠️Even half an ounce is above the tolerable upper intake.
⚠️1 tbsp of cod liver oil (4051 mcg) is 675% of the Tolerable Upper Intake Level and 1350% of the Daily Allowance.
Our liver stores the excess.
❗️But only at the age of 3, N-acetyltransferase 2 activity is fully expressed.
❗️Adult pattern liver functioning happens around age 12.
❗️The male liver is fully developed at age 18, female at age 21.
🚨I would never recommend liver or cod liver oil to a child under the age of 3. Just 1 tbsp of ghee provides a 1-3 year old 40% of their Daily Allowance.
🔎We don’t need liver.
I rarely recommend liver unless someone is deficient in copper.
🌾We also get so much fortified vitamin A in our dairy and cereals. It’s so plentiful that the dietary guidelines have removed vitamin A on packages listing their nutritional content, citing that it’s rare to be deficient in vitamin A.
❓So why do we think most of us are deficient in vitamin A?
💡We likely are not.
🙏🏼I know this information was not easy to accept but I’m grateful for the community that was willing to stay open and actually be open to other views (and do their own research).
🥩This is how we improve on diets and these nuances make the diet beneficial for everyone.
📖Risks of Vitamin A toxicity: https://www.nutritionwithjudy.com/liver-and-risks-of-vitamin-a-toxicity/
📺Check out the full YT episode: https://youtu.be/miF0APPc8u8