Microblog: We Don’t Really Need Snacks on a Meat-Based Diet

To round out the what to eat posts: Long-term, we don’t really need snacks on a meat-based diet (same goes for any low-carb diet).
🎢If you fuel your body with fat, you don’t constantly feel the glucose-insulin rollercoaster and this manifests as less hanger.
But sometimes we do want to snack. Sometimes because of old rituals.
🎙@lauraespath and I talked about traveling and snacks on Cutting Against the Grain podcast. You can listen here: https://cutting-against-the-grain.simplecast.com
💸 On CATG, I share how I planned for a trip when 5 of us are meat-based. While it can get pricey, it’s absolutely possible to eat meat-based on the road (including high-quality snacks).
💡These meat-based snacks have been very helpful as temporary foods while transitioning to a fat-adapted state. They also helped for on-the-go meals.
⛑You can read the pro-tips based on food sensitivities I’ve found with my research and seen with my meat-based clients. If you don’t have any of these issues, find the snacks that work best for you.
🐂For beef sticks, I stick to grass fed with the least amount of additives and carbs.
🥩For dried meats and jerkies, my favorites are @carnivore.snax and @pcbeefjerky. @carnivore.snax is meat and @redmondrealsalt and @pcbeefjerky uses herbs but no added sugar.
🐖For pork rinds, stick to the baked varieties or the brands that cook their rinds in tallow or avocado oil (if you can tolerate). I don’t recommend too many if you’re trying to lose weight or trying to normalize your stools.
Cured meats are ideal with less additives.
🥚Hard boiled eggs: I like to take them right out of the fridge and then eat them at room temp at lunch. Sometimes I use high quality olive oil or whipped butter as a dip to moisten the egg yolk.
🐟Canned meats: stick to wild caught with the canned varieties.
Other snack options are cheese and pemmican.
💎Ideally, you don’t want to eat snacks too often as it can cause you to lose your appetite for meals and even cause weight gain (as they are less satiating)
🦄But always find what works for you.