Microblog: Tips on How to Do an Extended Fast

⏰ Ideally work up to an extended fast. Women tend to burn fat most efficiently at about 36 hours, but it’s not ideal to go from no fasting to fast 24+ hours.
🔑I also think it’s key to really understand your tolerance for fasting and not end up in eating disorder land because of it (bingeing).
🧂When I start an extended fast, I take sole water as soon as I wake up and continue to do so throughout the day. I’ve made the mistake of taking the salt when I started to feel weak and have a headache but sometimes waiting too long pushes you to a point of no return.
⚠️If you wait too long to add salt to your fast, you may have to break it much earlier than you anticipated. So don’t fear salt and start salting right away.
💊I have found I do well on salt and some topical magnesium spray. You can add potassium. Find what works best for you.
💡I always recommend magnesium spray because magnesium is best absorbed topically. Think Epsom salt bath in a bottle. It may sting a few times in the beginning but it gets better. Try it on your calves before bed. It can be a game changer with muscle cramps at night.
🧴If it stings a lot, try putting lotion on top of the spray. It may just be dry skin.
💦Make sure to hydrate but not too much or you will constantly be playing electrolyte catch up. Drink half your weight in ounces.
🍎ACV while fasting doesn’t make sense. It stimulates your digestive process. Why make yourself hungry?
❗️Baking soda isn’t ideal with fasting as it higher the pH of the gut. Why?
Limit heavy cream.
🍽 In a previous 5 day fast, I had some HWC and my glucose shot up 25 points. I had more than a splash but less than 1/4 cup. I’m sure it stopped the full benefits of apoptosis and autophagy.
🥛 HWC increases glucose and is insulinogenic. Don’t believe me? Check your blood sugar.