Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: This Is How Our Family Grocery Hauls Meat

My kind of meat stack.

🥩This is how our family grocery hauls meat. On Pete Evans’ podcast, I told him that we have a chest freezer because of my breastmilk storage days. Now when there are sales at the market or we get our quarter/half grass finished steer, we freeze the meats so we never run out.

🥚Earlier in the lockdown, we saw ourselves having to worry about our rationing of meat and eggs.

🧑🏻‍🌾I was grateful for the chest freezer and our local farmers.

💡Make sure you always have an abundance of meats and nutrient-dense foods. You can stock up when meats are on sale or get a good deal from a local farmer.

🐄Eating meat-based simplifies meals and always allows for extras. (Hard to freeze vegetables.)

🍖Meat doesn’t have to be expensive or hard to come by. Planning ahead and having a good ol’ chest freezer makes it even easier.

Nutrition with Judy

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