Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: The Very Many Benefits of Pork

Microblog: The Very Many Benefits of Pork

Pork sometimes gets a bad rap for not being the cleanest meat. Sometimes pork gets backlash for causing physical symptoms and sensitivities. In these situations, focus on cleaner meats to heal the body (elimination diet).

🥓Once the digestive system and other bodily systems are healed (no symptoms), you can try adding in new foods like pork (reintroduction). ⠀

📖 In @carnivorecure, I teach you how to do the Carnivore Cure elimination and reintroduction protocol, and what foods to start with and what to slowly ease in.

🐷During the reintroduction, it’s best to find the highest quality pasture raised, organic pork. This will better help if you are truly sensitive to pork. Ideally overtime you can consume any type of pork.


🐖Because pork has some nutrients that are more abundant in pork than in beef. B6 is one example. Thiamine is another. So being able to eat pork occasionally is ideal.

⚠️The fat composition of pork is similar to olive oil. So if you are worried that you LDL is going too high (shouldn’t be a concern in context with higher HDL and lower triglycerides), you can consume pork and raise your HDL levels.

⛑If you have a hard time finding fat sources on a carnivore diet (if you dislike tallow and suet) and you can’t tolerate dairy, pork belly might just be your answer. Pork belly is the ideal food for high fat, moderate protein.

🧬Yes, the composition of suet and tallow are much different than pork but it’s a great option to keep in the mix. A meat-based diet is ideal by eating a variety so your body can have a better chance at breaking down and absorbing nutrients.

✅It also helps you adhere to the diet by enjoying different profiles and flavors.

💡Feed your body the right foods. Your body will take care of the rest.

Nutrition with Judy

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