Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies

List of PUFAs in omega 3 and omega 6

Microblog: The Truth About PUFAs: Should You Eat Conventional Chicken, Pork and Fish?

List of PUFAs in omega 3 and omega 6

I finally got around to writing my thoughts about omega-6 and all polyunsaturated fatty acids.


🧬Every cell of the body needs fats. When you don’t have the proper fats, you don’t have proper cells and when you don’t have the proper cells, you don’t have proper function.

🚨Vegetable and seed oils are NOT TOXIC because of their PUFA composition.

🚨They ARE toxic because these oils are oxidized and rancid.

🔥The oxidative species within these seed oils make them highly inflammatory and toxic. Yes, the unstable PUFAs make the oils rancid but IT’S NOT the PUFA content that is the root-cause issue.

🚨The omega-3 and omega-6 fats ARE unstable, which causes oxidation, BUT it’s from the chemical processing and heating of these oils.

⚖️It is a difference of association vs. causation: the causation is the oxidative stress from rancid, unstable oils and the association is the polyunsaturated fatty acids.

🤦🏻‍♀️PUFAs in meats are not rancid. Otherwise, you’re eating rotten meat.

🌟We don’t need to eat only pasture-raised pork and chickens. Sure, it’s ideal, but eat what you like and what you can afford.

🥚The other day, a lady messaged me that she would no longer eat eggs because of the omega-6 content.

🥀This PUFA fear-mongering has detrimental ramifications. The fear-mongering is frankly unethical.

🤷🏻‍♀️I noticed that the anti-PUFA advocates don’t have a clinical practice.

🌟Clinical data > Collecting studies to support your cause

💡Remove seed oils but don’t fear PUFAs. Removing these foods is doing more harm than benefit to our well-being. (We need pork for thiamine and we need thiamine for metabolic function).

🐖And fun fact, all blue zones, eat one meat in common: pork.

📖Full blog post: https://www.nutritionwithjudy.com/the-truth-about-pufas-polyunsaturated-fatty-acids/







Nutrition with Judy

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