Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: The Nutrition Facts of Wild Atlantic Salmon

Wild vs. Farmed Salmon

⚠️I did this comparison because I want to shed light on how we often complicate things when there are many unknown variables.

📊Data around the nutritional differences between wild vs. farmed, grass-fed vs. conventional are pretty limited. Generally, the more natural meat wins in nutritional density—but only by a small (inconsequential) amount.

⭐️I used the USDA nutrient database because this is considered the gold standard for nutrient information.

1) Some data is outdated
2) Some data is provided by the food manufacturer (conflict of interest?)
3) Nutritional information is permitted to have a standard deviation of 20%. Meaning, nutritional facts can be incorrect by 20%. That’s a big number when some foods are very limited in individual nutrients.

1) There are differences in rounding and why some numbers show differing %s.
2) There are 10 nutrients that are HIGHER in wild Atlantic salmon than farmed.
3) There are 8 nutrients that are HiGHER in farmed Atlantic salmon than wild.
4) Some of these nutrients fall within the 20% standard deviation– meaning the nutrient differences may be very inconsequential.
5) One difference was the omega 6s. But since you’re eating a very rich omega-3 food, it’s a non-concern.

🐟As a nutritional therapist, I want to say buy only wild but the nutrient profile does not justify the higher-priced fish.

❓Should we ideally buy the highest quality, sustainable meats? YES.

❗️But I’d also prefer you to eat lesser-quality meat than go back to a standard American diet.

⚖️This analysis does not take into account toxins and other pros/cons of wild vs. farmed. (there are pros/cons for both).

‼️The USDA database may not be accurate which then begs the question, “Why do we focus so much on meeting daily values” and tracking nutrients in calculators?

🧬This analysis does not take into account the bio-individual human body (and genetics). Not everyone has good gut health. Not everyone absorbs all these nutrients.

💡Buy what you can and stop focusing on tracking. Eat nutrient-dense meats and let the body take care of the rest.

Nutrition with Judy


  • Mike K
    February 20, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    Wild Atlantic Salmon isn’t a thing you can buy or eat. It no longer exists in the food chain for humans. They’re endangered and only found in protected waters in Maine. All Atlantic salmon we eat is farmed.

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