Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: The Brain Makes Up 2% of Our Weight but Consumes 20-30% of Total Calories

Ever heard of the Minnesota Starvation Study? Participants in this study were all healthy—physically and mentally. Yet because of undereating, most developed eating disorders. The restriction of food led to a focus on food and eating.

🚨These healthy that never had an issue with diet or body image now we’re obsessed with food.

🙅🏻‍♀️This is why I’m not for calorie counting long-term. Our body is not a calculator. We are a collection of complicated chemical processes that is so heavily reliant and affected by hormones and enzymes.

🚧No amount of calorie tweaking is going to change this.

🥴You may find a sweet spot for a while, but over time, that sweet spot will turn sour.

🧘🏻‍♀️We want to heal. Give it time. We can lose weight but when we take shortcuts by undereating, we can cause eating disorders to grow rampant. This study showed that binge eating can be a direct result of undereating.

🤕When we consume very few calories in a day, our bodies will rebel. It will show up as an inability to stick to a diet. It will show up as bingeing and sometimes compensatory behavior. It’s not lack of willpower, our bodies are screaming for nutrients.

☝🏼Some of the rebellion will show up as adrenal fatigue, amenorrhea, and hormonal dysfunction.

‼️Yes, your hormones (thyroid, energy levels) may be struggling on carnivore because you are undereating or not taking care if your adrenals and not because of the diet.

❓Feel cold all the time? Dizzy when you stand up? Is your hair thinning or falling out? Bright sun hurt your eyes? Are you moody (see below)? Can’t fall asleep or stay asleep?

⛈ You may be undereating. You may be taxing your adrenals with the cortisol response. And frankly, these are your body’s warning signs. It’s the calm before the storm.

📚The study showed that prolonged restriction of food negatively impacts mood. Restriction and weight loss can lead to increases in anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Add in coffee to restrict hunger, we’re just creating an emotional, anxious cycle.

🐄If you’re adamant about counting calories and know that you’ll gain weight if you eat over X amount of calories, then at least consume the most nutrient-dense foods.

Nutrition with Judy

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