Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Sugar Is More Addictive Than Cocaine

#Carnivore75Hard is going to be hard and now we have to deal with the backlash that is from fakeumentaries.⠀

🎞If any person asks “have you heard of Game Changers,” my response is going to be “Have you heard of Titanic?” Just as it was a box office hit, the same producer made this cinematic, entertainment piece.⠀

💡I’d recommend ignoring most nutrition advice from movie producers. What nutrition education has James Cameron, Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan (executive producers) received?⠀

🥩We are told that our #meatheals stories are anecdotal. Well, I can say the same about Game Changers. Sorry, all those athlete stories are anecdotal at best.⠀

🍬I talked about how addictive sugar is in my 2nd #Carnivore75Hard YouTube video.

⚖️Forget about meat vs. vegetables. Let’s look at our relationships with food. Many of us have poor relationships with food and much of it stems from the addiction to sugar. Swipe to see study.⠀

🐁In EVERY situation, the sweetened water always was preferred. EVEN IF the rats were completely addicted to cocaine and at extreme doses, they ALWAYS preferred sugar.⠀

❓So. What’s the one common solution for overcoming all addictions?⠀


❌You must completely abstain from drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.⠀


🙅🏻‍♀️You can’t. You CANNOT abstain from food. You NEED food to survive. This is why, food addiction can arguably be the most difficult addiction to overcome.⠀

⚠️Every single time you put food in your mouth, you are tested with your addiction. By completely abstaining from any and all sugars (including carbs), it provides the CLOSEST option to abstaining from sugar addiction and in turn, healing our relationship with food.⠀

🚫Every time I rationalize I’ll be okay with a little bit of sugar, I crash and burn. It reminds me of the slow sugar drip given to the rats. No amount works for my body.⠀

🎞So knowing this, when Game Changers tells me to eat plant based. If I have a sugar addiction, I’d never have a fighting chance…⠀

🎃We remember WHY we’re doing #Carnivore75Hard.




Nutrition with Judy

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