Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Spotlight Sunday Is With @loveourlowcarblife

On Sundays, I spotlight one of your inspirational carnivore stories to share with the community.

🥩 IBS-D: Carnivore put my IBS-D into complete remission. I suffered for 25 years and tried just about every doctor recommended remedy in that time. Over the years I gained a lot of weight, now I realize I was deficient due to my poor digestion.

🥩 MENTAL HEALTH: Further into carnivore, my depression and generalized anxiety disorder lifted. I haven’t taken any meds for either in over 2 years. I’ve been Carnivore for 33 months now. Those are my 2 life changing biggies.

🥩 MOOD and ENERGY: My energy is high and steady. My mood is so positive now.

🥩 PHYSICAL HEALTH: Better hair, skin, nails. My teeth and gums are so much better. I’m physically stronger. My skin browns in the sun. That has never happened. I always burnt, then back to pale. I love it! I sleep great.

🥩 BODY COMPOSITION: Weight loss is the last thing on my mind. Although I do love the shape of my body better than ever. Fat loss is happening but the journey is an incredible experience in itself.


1️⃣ FOCUS ON MEAT: Have meat on hand. Be prepared for hunger. Eat the meat you can afford and enjoy. Put a major focus on beef.

2️⃣ DO NOT COMPARE: Do not compare your needs to others needs. Listen to your body. I once followed advice to increase protein and reduce fat (from a man) and my cycle was off within a month. Our bodies have different needs. Different nutrient needs, macro needs, healing needs. Learn to listen what it’s asking for.

3️⃣ EDUCATE YOURSELF: Dig deep into our nutrition history. Eat sleep and breathe the science until you have the facts and are confident in your decision and doing it for you. You will have people in your life who do not support you, not everyone will be happy with your success. Arm yourself with a one line statement that doesn’t offend, that shuts down the conversation and makes it clear you are committed to this woe and to your health.

It takes consistency and making the right choice every meal. The reward will be like nothing you have ever experienced. You will never look back.

Nutrition with Judy

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