Microblog: Spotlight Sunday Is with @ketofied_liz

Spotlight Sunday is with @ketofied_liz⠀
I’ve been keto for 18 months which focused heavily on animal-based meals. My previous diet (SAD), restricted fat intake and red meats, making me miserable and out-of-sync. It was truly frustrating because I was unable to get ANY results from it and it caused a lot of health problems! Keto gave me the opportunity to learn about proper nutrition and actually enjoy it! It also allowed me to learn more about carnivore which has opened up even more nutritional benefits!⠀
🥩 SEVERE ANXIETY/DEPRESSION: I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression for all of my adulthood. Every time I would see a doctor or psychologist, they would immediately jump to offer medication.⠀
🥩 SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER: This came as a surprise to me! And a bit ironic as it’s an area I’m very familiar with due to my career. Growing up, I knew I was different because I struggled so much with everything. I never knew I had difficulties interpreting my own body’s signal until I was able to address my nutrition. Proper nutrition helped minimize my symptoms.⠀
🥩 MENTAL HEALTH: Since changing my way of eating, I have encountered 0 episodes of depression and a drastic reduction in anxiety.⠀
🥩FAMILY CARDIOVASCULAR ISSUES: I’ve had many family members pass away due to heart related complications. Two years ago, 2 family members died of heart attacks a month apart.⠀
1️⃣Incorporate a variety of things you most prefer. I LOVE steak and could never really get tired of it. So, I eat a lot of different cuts of steak.⠀
2️⃣Don’t forget your animal based fat! This is important for satiety. You can cook leaner meats in butter or animal fats such as lard.⠀
3️⃣Shop bargains! Check your local store adds. Most stores have deals going on often. I have been eating my best and saving money for items I want to splurge on such as grass fed butter or pasture raised eggs.⠀
“Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience and perception.” -Jaggi Vasudev