Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Ready to Eat Nutrient Dense Meal

Microblog: Ready to Eat Nutrient Dense Meal

This is how we leftover. We cooked up several pounds of meat today and we are ready to eat nutrient dense meals for the week.⠀

👋🏻PS. All my meals and lunchbox shares are in my stories daily, as well as in my profile highlights. I try to keep my page focused on informational content and series.

📸Pictured here are some ribeye thin sliced that I’ll probably use for some ribeye tacos.

🌮Ribeye tacos: Sour cream, shredded cheese and avocado for the family. We will either use low carb tortillas or cheese shelled tacos. I will be fasting or just eating the meat. I’ve been limiting my dairy and incorporating longer fasts since I have a few pounds I’d like to lose.⠀

👩🏻‍🍳We also have bone in ribeye that I’ve cut for Kevin to take to work. He’s an unintentional carnivore during work lunches 😉(be the manager of the kitchen to choose the foods the family eats.)

🦃Finally we have some leftover turkey bacon that was on sale for $0.99. Can’t pass a deal when we as a family of 4, eat pounds of meat. Don’t let the young age of 3.5 and 5.5, fool you with meat consumption.⠀

🙌🏼All cooked in grassfed ghee and seasoned only with mineral salt. Added some grassfed butter (read: butyrate) for good measure. Stored in glass so no BPA or BP-anything (read: endocrine disrupters) here.⠀

🎉Whenever our fridge is filled with ready-to-go meats on Sunday night, I just know it’s going to be a good week. ♥️🥩

Nutrition with Judy

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