Microblog: Mold: The Root Cause Behind Food Sensitivities?
Watch the clip here.
Watch the full interview here.
I will always advocate for a meat-only or all-meat carnivore diet. It is arguably the most anti-inflammatory diet (research paper to come!)
💡While diet can be incredibly powerful, it is not the end-all answer for healing or optimal health.
🔎Once you dial into a meat-based diet but still not close to optimal health, it’s time to dig deeper.
🥩When we eat only one kind of meat because that’s all we tolerate for years—that’s not optimal healing.
It’s a band-aid.
We need to fight for more.
🦠Once we clean up the diet and enough time has passed, it’s time to look at environmental toxins. There’s too many to list but one big one is CIRS (which is largely affected by mold and water-damaged buildings).
⚠️And no, taking a simple supplement binder is not going to fix this—no matter how many online mold influencer gurus say that. If your mold expert tells you to use a mycotoxin urine test to detect mold… RUN.
💡It’s a decent adjunct test to bloodwork but not THE proper test for mold.
🌟We all deserve the life that we were meant to live, mostly symptom-free.
💪🏼We HAVE to fight for better. When we accept that we can only eat ONE meat (and for long-term), we have to say “that’s not good enough.”
🥬@mikhailapeterson will one day eat her lettuce happily and for days on end if she chooses (a reference from the interview). I boldly call it. And when she heals, I know she will help many.
🏠Just like DDT and lead were removed from household products, our building codes—which allow materials to breed mold—can change.
If you’ve healed from all-meat carnivore or from Carnivore + CIRS, share your story so that others can find healing.
Because THIS is what life is really about. ♥️ (helping your fellow neighbor).
📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/-xt-0yJBGTs
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