Microblog: If You Have Sensitivities to Eggs, Think Twice before Getting a Flu Shot

In @CarnivoreCure, I talk about these nuances. If you have X then be wary of Y. We should have more nutritional and relational guidance for individualized care. It’s unfortunate that we don’t.
Egg Sensitivities and the Flu Shot
🐓The flu shot used fertilized chicken eggs to grow the flu virus in 1931. While the vaccine now removes almost every trace of chicken protein, there are still incidents of major allergic reactions because of retained egg protein (even death).
💉The thought behind the flu vaccine is that the exposure to vaccine antigens increases the antibody response in the immune system. The problem with this is that the flu virus is constantly mutating in order to survive. As the virus mutates, it is MORE CAPABLE of overwhelming a person whose immune system has been burdened by ALL the additives in the vaccine.
❓What additives?
⚠️ Mercury, aluminum, antibiotics, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, food dye, gelatin, animals and human cells. Yes, fetus cells are used in flu shots.
🦠When the body is forced to fight these pathogens, it is oftentimes unprepared to face an attack from flu mutations. This is heightened when the immune system is already compromised.⠀
💡This is why we must heal the gut as most of our immune cells are in the gut.⠀
So why include [human] fetus cells?⠀
🧫When the viral vaccines are made, the virus may grow in cells and these cells need a source of nutrition. Yes, so these flu shots use fetal serums to keep virus cells alive.
🥚If you have egg sensitivities, CDC recommends taking the flu shot in a medical setting. But the danger with shots is that it completely bypasses your digestive system and goes straight to the blood. It bypasses most of our immune cells that protect us from foreign invaders.
‼️The CDC estimates the flu’s vaccine is about 30% effective. Each year the FDA meets to DECIDE which strains will go into the vaccine based on recommendations from the WHO. Sometimes they’re right. Sometimes they’re wrong. If the virus mutates, the body has no defense at all.
💣Why play Russian Roulette with your health?
💡Be your own advocate. Read medical inserts. Heal the gut. Eat nutrient dense foods. These give your body the best fighting chance.