Microblog: How to Do a Reintroduction Diet
Watch the clip here.
Watch the full interview here.
How to properly reintroduce foods.
🥩 Many carnivores would never reintroduce foods. Of course, never fix something that’s not broken.
🔎But I challenge my clients to try other foods and CHOOSE to only eat meat.
🔥Because the truth is that I CAN ONLY EAT MEAT and I CHOOSE TO ONLY EAT MEAT are two very different places of healing.
⛑And I want every single person to get to “I choose to only eat meat” level of healing.
📺 Full interview on YouTube with Scott Myslinski: https://youtu.be/Xoi6MFinAQY
🎙Full interview on podcast: https://nutritionwithjudy.buzzsprout.com/1848795/10739114-reintroducing-carbs-after-meat-only-carnivore-scott-myslinski