Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Gut Health Connection – Hormones

Microblog: Gut Health Connection – Hormones

We focus on hormones. If progesterone is low, we focus on increasing progesterone. If our estrogen is high, we focus on lowering estrogen.

⚠️For most, it’s a band-aid.

🥀Many imbalances start in the gut. This is WHY I focus on gut health for root-cause healing.

🧪We need to make sure and have enough stomach acid. Not enough stomach acid will have less nutrients for your hormones and also risk autoimmune if gut imbalances proliferate.

♻️One of the ways our microbiome plays a role with hormones is that good bacteria recycle hormones in the body.

🗑The liver will send the hormones to the intestines to be removed from the body. Glucuronidation is a phase 2 detox pathway that helps the liver remove this estrogen. (test via PCR stool tests)

❗️If you have too much of the enzyme, beta glucuronidase, it will inhibit estrogen from being removed.

Learning lesson?
🔅Have good gut health
🔅Have good liver function (why hypervitaminosis can add a tax to the liver that also has to produce bile for a high fat diet)

⚖️And when there’s an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, well that causes mood imbalances, immune responses and exacerbates leaky gut.

🍩And you can also have imbalances of hormones from the foods we eat.

🌾Just like we don’t like certain foods for our palate, our digestive process doesn’t like many foods we eat in modern processing. This causes stress to the body and the release of the stress hormone, cortisol.

🚨Add to this load, toxic foods of excess sugar and processed foods with refined vegetable oils, now you’re causing chronic low-dose inflammation, taxing your adrenals, poking holes in your gut and forcing cortisol to also balance blood sugar.

🔥And don’t forget life stressors and trauma. If you’re living a life you don’t want to be (relationships, job, financial, location, etc.), you’re spiking your cortisol daily.

💣Here’s the hard facts: if you think your hormonal imbalance is from a lack of carbs, you’re following the wrong nutritional advice. #sorrynotsorry



Nutrition with Judy


  • Kiley
    September 11, 2022 at 6:21 am

    Hi, I have high beta glucuronidase and gut dysbiosis, symptoms of estrogen dominance, thyroid issues when I go low carb, histamine issues and the list goes on. Carnivore diet actually seemed to make things worse especially the histamine issues. I’ve tried gut healing protocols but nothing seems to help. Pub med has an article stating that people on a high meat diet actually have higher levels of b. Glucuronidase. Any thoughts on this?

    • Pati Rucobo
      February 18, 2023 at 7:55 am

      Hello Kiley, did Judy ever respond to your inquiry? I’m curious about what her answer is. I recently had a stool test done revealing excessive beta glucuronidase. I was shocked! But then started thinking of all the health issues I’m experiencing and it started to make sense. Of note, all my hormones and thyroid panel results were within normal range. I am not currently on a carnivore path, although that is my basis, I have been carnivore for 3-6months straight. I’d like to learn of Judy’s perspective on this and how we can continue carnivore but lower this enzyme.

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