Microblog: Duck vs. Chicken Eggs – Nutrition Facts
Have you tried duck eggs? Duck eggs have a richer and creamier flavor than traditional chicken eggs.⠀
Here are some facts about duck eggs and why you may want to try them:⠀
✅ Duck eggs will typically have more nutrients than chicken eggs.⠀
✅ Duck eggs usually are two to three times the size of chicken eggs.⠀
✅ Duck eggs have more omega-3 fatty acids than chicken eggs.⠀
✅ Duck eggs have more protein than chicken eggs.⠀
✅ Duck eggs have more cholesterol than chicken eggs (cholesterol IS NOT bad).⠀
✅ Duck eggs are so higher in fat as well as certain vitamins and nutrients, including choline and selenium, compared to chicken eggs.
✅ Duck eggshells are thicker and tougher than chicken eggshells and they’re often white or off-white, although some duck breeds lay eggs with slightly different colors.
✅ Duck eggs have larger yolks and higher fat content, making them creamier and richer for recipes.
✅ Duck eggs have a longer shelf life compared to chicken eggs due to their thicker shells and lower moisture content.
💡For those that have chicken egg sensitivities or allergens, you might be able to consume duck eggs.⠀
✅ Duck eggs tend to stay fresher longer than chicken eggs because of their thicker shell.⠀
✅ As with chicken eggs, duck eggs’ nutrients will vary depending on the animal’s diet.⠀
✅ Duck eggs are favored in baking as they have extra egg whites and albumen, making baked foods fluffier (think: egg loaf).⠀
👎🏼Hard boiling duck eggs may make them taste rubbery, hardboiled duck eggs are not recommended.⠀
✅ Duck eggs are an alkaline-producing food whereas chicken eggs are more of an acid food.⠀
✅ Certain people with chicken egg allergies can tolerate duck eggs as the proteins in duck eggs are different than chicken eggs.
👨🏼🌾 Next time you’re at a farmer’s market or local farm, pick up some duck eggs! Don’t forget to tag me in your post or story!
January 1, 2022 at 5:03 pmI hard boil duck eggs all the time. ALL THE TIME. I do keep the yolks on the under-done side. I put them in a covered sauce pan with cold filtered water; bring to a boil over high heat, and then remove from heat and let sit about 6 minutes (depending on the size of the eggs and how done I want them. I like the white cooked and the yolk a bit under done in the middle. Never gray on the edges). Then I plunge them in cold water and ice to stop the cooking. Dry and store in fridge. I use them in salads, soups, etc. They are not rubbery at all.
March 30, 2023 at 9:46 amWe hard boiled our duck eggs in gentle boiling water for 8-9 for a firm yolk then run cold water over as well they are delicious not rubbery at all
Amber Nestor NASM-CPT
March 6, 2024 at 3:43 pmDear Judy Co,
I am a health enthusiast, and recently found out that chicken eggs, especially the whites, and also chicken meat, cause me to have elevated IGG iflammatory factors. I eliminated them from my diet for over a year now, maybe almost 2 years. I don’t know why, but I never thought about duck eggs. Thank you for posting this article. I’m sharing it on social media, and I’m am now going to try and talk one of my friends into buying some ducks!!! 😉 I live in an apartment, and have no where to keep ducks. <3 <3 <3 God bless you, and thank you for your passion for nutrition. – Amber Nestor, NASM-CPT