Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Microblog: Carnivore & Randle Cycle

Watch the clip here.

Watch the full interview here.

Carnivore is a powerful elimination diet because it eliminates all plant toxins.

⚠️Not everyone has to do animal/meat-only forever but it’s extremely powerful to remove all toxins for a period of time so you can get to root-cause.

If you consider all elimination diets, what do they have in common?
🔹Autoimmune Paleo
🔹SCD Diet
🔹Glycemic Index
🔹Failsafe (RPAH Diet)
🔹Casein-Gluten Free
🔹Low Amylose

🥩None of them remove meats.

🥩Most have meat at the very strictest stage of the diet.

🌱Most remove fruits and vegetables at the very strictest stage of the diet and ONLY add back certain plant-based foods as people heal.

Think about that…

🌟That is THE power of the zero-plant, animal-only, meat-only carnivore diet. (I have to use all these preceding words now because of how bad “carnivore” has been mutilated).

🐄Carnivore allows the most unwell to have a chance at healing.

Carnivore isn’t a fad diet.

🩺I’m working hard to make carnivore a therapeutic tool that will be recognized by the medical field as a proper elimination tool to heal ALL metabolic issues.

🔥When we greatly reduce inflammation with zero plant foods and stop all assaults on our digestive process, we can put our best foot forward and heal.

🍯The fruit and honey conversation has never been about diet-dogma. I worked closely with @carnivoremd2.0 for over a year. He should know that.

✅You can have proper thyroid function and hormone health on a plant-free, meat-only carnivore diet, long-term.

Be honest with yourself. If it didn’t work for you, were you:
🔻being consistent (no plants)
🔻eating too lean
🔻overly fasting
🔻eating only beef (long-term)
🔻eating too much liver
🔻under-supplementing minerals + salt
🔻properly hydrating
🔻working on your relationship with food

🦋You can always reintroduce foods but let’s not take away the option of the ultimate elimination diet for healing.

⛑Not everyone needs to do a plant-free, animal-only carnivore diet. But let’s give others the opportunity to find it as an option. It’s life-saving for some and I will always advocate for them.

Nutrition with Judy

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