Microblog: A Beyond Meat Ingredient – Rice Protein (Powder)

Rice protein is a protein powder made from brown rice. Some people on gluten free diets use rice protein powder and some use rice protein powders because it’s cheaper than other protein powders.⠀
👨🏻🔬Through a special conversion process, brown rice is treated with enzymes that cause separation between carbs and proteins. These enzymes result into rice protein powders.⠀
⚠️But brown rice is high in antinutrients. Brown rice is considered a healthier option than white rice but arguably, white rice may be the better option.⠀
🌾Brown rice is very high in oxalates. Brown rice is also high in phytates which makes minerals hard to absorb. White rice removes all the phytic acid (bran) from the rice.⠀
⚖️Brown rice technically has more nutrients but if they aren’t available for the body and are blocked for nutrient absorption, is it really better than white rice?⠀
💡While white rice has minimal nutrients, at least we know it’s not blocking nutrient absorption. (This is where bioindividuality is important. If you have blood sugar issues, all rice should be limited.)⠀
🚫Additionally, like pea protein powder, these protein powders are not regulated by the FDA as food. Studies of organic brown rice proteins have uncovered high levels of heavy metals, arsenic, cadmium and lead.⠀
‼️Consuming protein powders (even whey) can also be hard on the kidneys. A build-up of excess acid and uric acid is created from the metabolic waste when attempting to digest and break down such high doses of proteins. Skin and kidneys are responsible for releasing excess acids. Our bodies try to eliminate these acids through sweat and kidneys but it is unnecessarily taxing.⠀
🚷In addition, many mass-produced protein powders come from India and China. Their ingredients are not regulated for quality or impurities and the ingredients are often irradiated or zapped with gamma rays to preserve food. This process is similar to x-rays, but with the intensity of 300 MILLION CHEST X-RAYS.⠀
🤺Yes, if you’re fearing radiation from x-rays, you should think twice about your vegan protein powders.⠀
🥩Maybe we stick to getting our protein from meats.