Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies

Meat and Greenhouse Gas Chart

Meat and Climate Change

Meat and Greenhouse Gas Chart

Meat gets blamed for climate change. Many public figures love pointing the finger at removing meat as the solution. I bought into it and nearly lost my life following a plant-based diet for 12 years.


One of the biggest advocates is Bill Gates (who isn’t plant-based). Bill Gates seems to be popping up everywhere lately. He seems to be the jack of all trades and arguably master of none. This week, he announced two big things: 

  1. Wealthy countries should stop eating meat and eat plant-based foods, after releasing his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.” (SourceSource)
  2. We may need 3 vaccine rounds for the COVID-19 vaccine. (SourceSource)


Now I’m not a computer tech mogul billionaire turned philanthropist + public health expert + pharmacist + nutritionist + climate change expert and farmer but I am a bit wary.


How did he become the leader and top influencer in what medicines or foods we should be taking and consuming?


With his muddy past at Microsoft, now Bill Gates has a vested interest in four vaccine companies (Pfizer, BioNTech, CureVac, VirBiotechnology) and in fake meat companies (Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, Memphis Meats, Hampton Creek Foods.) (SourceSourceSource)


What is he going to use all the U.S. farmland for? Yes, in case you missed it, he’s now the largest farmland owner in the U.S. (Source)


Land owned by Bill Gates by state - map


Oh, and did I mention he also funds media outlets? You can read more here


If you missed my write-up on the “Efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine,” you can find it here. I tried to be as balanced as possible.


Last I heard, Johnson and Johnson’s version has been pulled off the market because of blood clots.  As an FYI, J&J also removed their famous baby powder from certain markets because of growing cancer concerns. (Source, Source)


When I was doing my research, I cited studies that showed J&J’s vaccine efficacy rate at 72%. It’s concerning that they didn’t find blood clots during the trials. (Source)


Is Meat a Climate Problem?

Let’s assume Bill Gates is correct, and assume that meat is the problem. I dedicated a full chapter in Carnivore Cure on this incredibly false statement. (Reference Chapter 10). 


Meat and Greenhouse Gas Chart


Since numbers don’t lie, let me show you my math, sourced from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (Source)


The U.S. livestock is not largely responsible for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), beef cattle production was responsible for only 1.9% of total U.S. GHG emissions in 2014. (Source)


Meat and Greenhouse Gas Map


In fact, U.S. beef production advances have decreased GHG emissions per pound of beef by 9-16% from the 1970s to present day.

So how the 1.9?


Follow my work with the report found here


Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef


You have to sift through the tables but you can get to the data. You would think that the EPA would create a chart to break down this info in the very comprehensive 558-page report.

There’s also data on corn yield and GHG emissions. We tend to believe that livestock consumes most of the U.S corn that is planted but most grain-fed livestock eats the non-edible parts of the corn and other grain foods. 


Greenhouse Gases per United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization


GHF Methane: CH4 - Pie Chart


Climate change isn’t caused by livestock. During the pandemic, animals were never shut down yet the air was clean. The greenhouse gas, nitrogen dioxide, fell by 70% in some areas.


Let Greenhouse Gases Speak for Themselves

You can see United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO) data on methane and ruminant meats. According to the UN’s FAO data, livestock’s global methane impact on greenhouse gas emissions is 0.0638 or 6% and accounts for only 1.8% of the total U.S greenhouse gas emissions. ⠀


COVID: Decline of GHGs Map


I’ll let the graphics speak for themselves.


COVID: Decline of GHGs Map


Sorry Bill Gates, but plant-based meats won’t make a dent in climate change. These foods, made from monocrops are causing more harm to the environment than any type of livestock. The worst part is that these monocrops are toxic to human health.


If you’re really worried about climate, stick to regenerative agriculture meats. These meats improve climate.


Closing Thoughts

Next time someone says, “if we became plant-based, we can save all the vegetation and land that goes into feeding animals, end world hunger and save the planet.”— know it’s completely false.


Sorry Gates, after all my research, I’m not with you on the fake meat (and many other things). I tried plant-based for 12 years and it landed me in the ER on New Year’s Eve with major postpartum depression. 


And while the rest of the world enjoyed the countdown with their loved ones, I was hospitalized away from my 6-month-old son (his first-ever new year’s eve), taking strong doses of antidepressants and antipsychotics. 


While I back up my case with research, I’ve lived the life of trying to save the climate with fake meats and it nearly cost me my life.


But eating meat-based for over 3 years? 


I’ve never had a bout of depression. 


Real meat saves lives. It’s the first sentence in Carnivore Cure and frankly why I even wrote the book. I will always be an advocate for real animal-based foods because meat gave me a second chance at life. 


And no billionaire-turned hundreds of other roles will stop me from speaking this truth.



w️ith ♥ and hope for healing,

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DISCLAIMER: The content is for educational purposes only. While I am a nutritional therapy practitioner, I am not providing medical advice. Whenever you start a new diet or protocol, always first consult with your trusted practitioner.

Nutrition with Judy


  • James
    August 6, 2022 at 10:22 pm

    I might be missing something, but i can’t find Table 10.5 in the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas
    Emissions and Sinks?

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