Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies

Most Nutrient-Dense Foods List

Eat these Foods and Live Forever

Most Nutrient-Dense Foods List


Okay maybe not forever, but these foods will definitely make you feel like you have superpowers.


The world is riddled with nutritional guidance on specific foods being great sources of vitamins and minerals. That’s great and all but what do we need to eat in order to hit our daily recommended value of vitamins and minerals? Of course, assuming we don’t just take supplements to make up for any differences?




Most Nutrient-Dense Foods List


If you only eat these foods, you will be more than just fine. You probably don’t even need to eat these foods on a daily basis. You can pick and choose the foods you want to eat in order to target every single essential vitamin and mineral. What are the individual vitamins and minerals that make up each superfood? Keep reading.


Consuming avocado and dark leafy greens (specifically spinach and kale), is also not required. Their respective nutrients are, for the most part, covered by the other foods listed. If you do choose to eat vegetables, make sure to steam or boil the vegetables to remove some of the antinutrients. Antinutrients are substances in plants that hinder the absorption of nutrients. (see a previous carnivore post’s plant section)


There are many more vitamins and minerals in existence but these vitamins and minerals are “essential” as they are required for the body to function but are not produced in the body. We need to rely on external sources to get these essential vitamins and minerals. Basically, we must eat them in order to survive.


The 13 Essential Vitamins

Vitamin is derived from the Latin vita, meaning “essence of life.” Vitamins are essential organic molecules needed in small amounts for normal function, growth, and maintenance of body tissues. Vitamins can be broken down into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.


Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K, dissolve in fat and can be stored in your body. If you eat foods with high values of Vitamin A, D, E and K, make sure you eat added fats, especially with vegetables and foods with little fats.






Water-Soluble Vitamins

The water-soluble vitamins, B-complex (B1-B12) and C vitamins need to dissolve in water before your body can absorb them. Because of this, your body cannot store these vitamins.


B1 (Thiamine)

B2 (Riboflavin)

B3 (Niacin)

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)


B7 (Biotin)

B9 (Folic Acid)




Other Essential Vitamin Considerations

Additionally, some consider Choline, Coenzyme Q10, and Activator X (assumed to be K2) as essential vitamins. They are denoted as “+” in the respective “vitamin count” columns in both graphics.


Coenzyme Q10

Activator X

Activator X: discovered by Weston A. Price and this fat-soluble nutrient is a potent catalyst for mineral absorption.



The 20 Essential Minerals

There are 7 macro minerals and 13 trace minerals that make up the 20 essential minerals list. Minerals are inorganic elements (members of the Periodic Table of Elements) that require an essential nutrient other than the following:






These form the backbone of most organic molecules including amino acids (protein), fatty acids (fats), and vitamins).


7 Macro Minerals

The 20 essential minerals are broken down into 7 essential macro minerals, defined as such, since we require more than 100 mg per day.









13 Trace Minerals

The remaining 20 essential minerals are broken down into 12 trace minerals, since we require trace amounts, usually between 1–100 mg per day.

Don’t be fooled into thinking these trace minerals are nice to have. Just because they are required in small amounts, does not trivialize the body’s mandatory requirements for them. For example, many people are deficient in Zinc. Signs of zinc deficiency can range from loss of appetite, impaired immune function to even growth retardation. So get your zinc in, because a little goes a long way.
















Nutrient-Dense Foods and Their Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Now if you want the vitamin and mineral makeup of each superfood, here you go.

I decided to share this comprehensive list with you that is a sneak peek into the Carnivore Cure. I hope that it supports eating meat-based and knowing it’s more than sufficient in nutrient density.

Most Nutrient-Dense Foods List

In terms of essential nutrients and the respective quantities per serving, you’ll have to reference my other graphics, like the Ribeye one below. Similar versions will be in the Carnivore Cure. A sneak peak of the cover and pre-sale coming soon. I can’t wait to share.

Ribeye Nutrition Facts


Other Nutrient-Dense Tidbits

  • Vitamin B2 aids in the production of Vitamin B3 and B6

  • Carotenoids (nutrients in carrots) are far better absorbed in the presence of fat. So if you plan to eat carrots, steam them and eat them with grass-fed butter or other healthy fats

  • High intake of fructose or glucose can increase requirements for B1, Vitamin C & D, Calcium, Magnesium and Chromium

  • Stress and sugar pull calcium from the bones. This is one of the reasons sugar causes cavities


These are some of the reasons why simply taking supplements isn’t helpful. The key is ABSORPTION and hence, why bio-availability is so critical in the foods we eat. Our bodies must absorb essential nutrients from foods (and supplements), otherwise, we are simply taking in nutrients to only make for expensive albeit nutrient-dense toilet water.

  • Poultry and pork have different nutrients than beef. e.g., Pork is high in Vitamin B1 and poultry is high in Vitamin B6

  • Animal foods contain all 20 amino acids (proteins). Of the 20 amino acids, 9 are essential amino acids and animal foods are the only source of nutrients like B12, Carnosine, Creatine, and Taurine

  • Omega-3 EPA & DHA (Fats) are primarily found in seafood, fish roe (eggs), shellfish and some grass-fed meat

  • Omega-6 (Fats) are found in all vegetable oils and all poultry types (pasture-raised, organic, and conventional). The idea is to consume higher ratios of Omega-3 and less Omega-6.



Nutrition with Judy Updates

I am finally able to share my talk from the 5th Annual Quit Sugar Summit. You can watch it here.


How quitting sugar is ideal for optimal health

I also spoke at KetoCon about the power of community, habits, and mindset. You can watch the 2020 recordings here.


We also made some updates to the Nutrition with Judy website, and now offer more supplemental supports that I previously only offered my clients. You can take a look here.

I’ll also be sharing a Cholesterol guide and a separate Toxic Food Dye guide in the upcoming months. I did A LOT of research in both but less than half of it made it into the Carnivore Cure. Coming soon.

Take care of yourselves. Be safe and stay well.

In love and health,

Nutrition with Judy
Nutrition with Judy


  • Bionaze
    August 19, 2020 at 8:00 am

    Since everything above is about eating the right foods to stay healthy and live up to your own potential life span, there are also foods that are needed to be avoided in order to achieve the same goal. If I may add, some of these foods you should be avoiding are almost everything that you have already known or commonly used to know as it is a piece of common knowledge among everyone. First, the oily “fries” i.e. french fries, fried chicken, fried pork chops, fried fish, and everything that is being fried or is oily. Then there are these processed meats/foods which are hotdogs, bacon, hams and etc. Lastly, there is also this caramel coloring/flavoring that can be found in your fancy drinks or in your soups which is very bad for you.

    • Nutrition with Judy
      September 4, 2020 at 1:18 am

      I agree that colored foods and artificial flavorings are bad. I do think any meats cooked in processed/inflammatory seed oils is toxic. But, if I had the option of hot dog meat, I’d eat that over any standard American diet foods. (assuming that’s all that where was to eat). I like to teach ideal eating + real life. Thank you for your comment. You are spot on.

  • Kristin
    October 25, 2020 at 2:14 am

    I just got my bloodwork back and I have high folate and high b12. Is that ok?

    • Nutrition with Judy
      November 5, 2020 at 1:05 am

      I can’t tell with any other information. I’d have to do at least do a 30 minute consult to see what’s going on.

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