At Nutrition with Judy, we are dedicated to helping each person have the best chance of root-cause healing. Our Symptom Burden Assessment (SBA) offers the foundational tool for all our clients in order to piece together each unique health puzzle. We start all clients with our SBA as this Personalized Health Report allows us to start finding the root cause of our client’s symptoms.
The Symptom Burden Assessment is a tool that allows us to:
- Understand diet and health history, so we don’t repeat previous failed efforts
- Assess the total symptom load
- Identify health areas of priority
- Review symptom burden list
- Compare with our client’s primary health concerns
- Track overall progress
As a special thank you for attending the Carnivore Summit and our recent Q&A webinar on Troubleshooting Carnivore, we’re offering a one-time discounted offer for these three leading wellness packages: