Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



Microblog: The Insulin Response

I’ve been reviewing the figures in @CarnivoreCure and I came across this graphic that did not make the cut but still too good not to share. (Source: @drjasonfung Obesity Code). Let’s take a closer look: 1) 23% of insulin...

Microblog: List of the Most Nutrient Dense Foods

THE COMPLETE NUTRITIONAL BREAKDOWN⠀ ⠀I hope this graphic empowers you to eat meat-based. I had several of you ask about my sources, so here they are:⠀ ⠀SOURCES: ⠀https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/ ⠀https://nutritiondata.self.com/⠀https://www.naehrwertrechner.de/ ⠀http://koreanfood.rda.go.kr/eng/fctFoodSrchEng/list⠀https://naehrwertdaten.ch/de/search/#/food/259382⠀ ⠀I use the USDA but it has...