There are many reasons to try a carnivore diet.⛑Many of us try it for weight loss. Some of us try it because keto didn't work. Others because of perpetuating health issues that never went...
One of the reasons I wrote @CarnivoreCure was to share some of the thoughts I have when someone tells me their concerns or fears about a meat-based diet.⛑Not everyone can work with me. But how do...
One of the most common symptoms from meat-based and low carb dieters are leg cramps and muscle aches. It’s time to try some magnesium.
We are deficient in magnesium as a country. It makes sense....
If you feel constipated on the carnivore diet and feel the need for fiber, I'd recommend reading my butyrate post. But in short, butter is derived from the word 'butyrate.' You can read our...
🚽If you have runs or unstable bowel movements after months of carnivore, you probably should look into digestive support. There's a good chance you can be suffering from low stomach acid which then can...
You can count macros when you first get started, just to get an idea of how much you are eating and if it’s enough.🥩Once you get past the physical sugar craving phase, and you...
We don't talk much about glyphosate and genetically modified plants in the carnivore community, but it's a big deal. So much so that in @CarnivoreCure, I have a whole chapter talking about genetically modified foods.🌾Most...
🥩Another graphic from @CarnivoreCure:Fiber is one of the big backlashes against a meat-based diet. It’s ironic though because one of the most overarching benefits of eating meat-based is healing gut health issues.⠀🥦The thought is that...
Stay tuned for Carnivore Cure V2 coming 2024!
Carnivore Cure is the first elimination protocol to explain how to adopt a meat-based diet to bring about healing. Get back to optimal health by finding the...