Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies



carnivore diet low thyroid

The Carnivore Diet and Low Thyroid

Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in managing the body's metabolic speed, which is why they have become a primary point of discussion among some mainstream wellness influencers and figures regarding nutritional ketosis.    It's well-documented...

jesus teachings and wellness

Jesus and Wellness

Our practice has opened up a Mind Body Program because we found a necessity after working with thousands of Carnivore clients and hundreds of CIRS patients.    But when we share about mind-body work, we're faced...

tapering off medications

Tapering Off Medications

In today’s healthcare landscape, it’s common to see a heavy reliance on prescription medications to manage symptoms of chronic illnesses. About 66% of American adults take at least one prescription drug, with some research...


For individuals suffering from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), a commonly overlooked factor can be volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs, which are emitted by household products, building materials, and even certain foods, can trigger...

CIRS and EMF Considerations

Navigating life with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) means constantly troubleshooting a world filled with invisible threats. This complex and multifaceted condition is triggered by environmental factors, often requiring a careful and strategic approach...