All City #Carnivore75Hard Meat Up – November 16, 2019

How did Halloween go for you? For many of you, it was a pretty easy holiday. Some of you didn’t even celebrate Halloween. Some of you told me it was the first time in decades that you did not touch any sugar. That’s a big deal. I hope you sit back and see all the hard you do and how much you’ve accomplished in less than 3 weeks. It’s a BIG deal. Sometimes we don’t realize how far we’ve come because we’re so busy trying to achieve. Take a moment and realize how much you’ve done so far with #Carnivore75Hard. One holiday down and a few more to go! We are all in this together and we are currently flexing our muscles to be better prepared for the holiday season. I have many things planned for you and I am thankful for the amazing support of our community. Here are some upcoming things to look out for:
- YouTube #Carnivore75Hard Q&A with @lauraespath and @carnivore.yogi on Instagram
- YouTube #Carnivore75Hard Sugar Addiction: Abstainer vs. Moderator with @ketomary71 on Instagram
You can subscribe to my channel here so you can get instant notification of when the videos release. Sarah and Laura’s Q&A will be released later this week.
- Fat Fueled Family podcast will air a discussion about #Carnivore75Hard and tips for making it through Thanksgiving and much more.
- Carnivore Cast podcast will share all things #Carnivore75Hard
I’ve had the honor of being on both podcasts before but it’s always fun to catch up with friends that are supportive and participating in this community challenge. You can listen to my first FFF podcast here and first Carnivore Cast podcast here. I have some fun stuff coming up at the end of the 75 days and of course, the prizes from our sponsors. I’ll announce more as we progress into the community challenge.
All City #Carnivore75Hard Meat Up Here are all the cities where people have asked for a meat up. I listed a contact person so please contact the person on the respective social media platforms and plan a meat up! It can even be 2-3 people! So far there are about 22 cities internationally! November 16th is going to be an epic day to remember for the Carnivore movement. Everyone is welcome, #Carnivore75Hard or not.Please send me ALL pictures taken! I plan to share and would appreciate any group pictures. I have a reason for this, I promise. ♥️ You can see the list here. I will also post on the main #Carnivore75Hard homepage. Once you solidify a venue and time, please let me know and I can update the sheet! The best way to get people to attend your city is to post and share on your social media pages and in the private #Carnivore75Hard facebook group. If you tag me, I’ll share in my Instagram stories as well. Below are the All City Meat Ups for Austin and Phoenix. I have also included a template if you want to use for YOUR city! Let’s show the world our ROAR and that we DO HARD!
Women #Carnivore75Hard shirts now available!
The women shirts comes in 5 colors and men shirts have 3 colors. I will donate $1 for every #Carnivore75Hard shirt purchased. You can take a look at all the shirts and sweatshirts here.
I’m really looking forward to the #Carnivore75Hard meat ups! I’ll be in Austin for the one on November 16th. @healthy_with_nicole and I will also be hosting one in Los Angeles on January 4, 2020. We will send out more info for that one in the future.
Looking forward to seeing your shares this week and seeing many of you in less than 2 weeks! EEK!! ♥️
In love and health,
— ♥️ — COMMUNITY SHARE — ♥️ —[DAY 14] @declay2001
In regards to Halloween, I offered a gift instead of candy. I let my 5 year old and 8 year old have 2 pieces. My 8 year old healthy daughter offered instead of throwing the candy away that she wanted to sell it to raise $ for a hospital grade bed for my 14 year old child with muscular dystrophy. She went to each house with fervor telling me that we should charge $1 per fun sized candy. When it came to the time for the present, she was happy to receive it but seemed to care much more about her fundraising efforts. Not only was I impressed by her willingness to give up the candy but her wanting to do something beneficial for her special needs sister.
I don’t post to IG because I save all the good pics for my 14 year old in the wheelchair. Her follower community makes her so happy since she is mostly at home due to health reasons. I love my newfound carnivore community and the support/encouragement it provides me.
I am truly inspired by your movement in the community and try to do most of the challenges with the carnivore community. You are all changing my life so much. Making me less dependent on constantly grazing, SIBO, out of control hunger, restriction, to freedom to be more present for my family and a better mother and friend.
November 6, 2019 at 12:50 pmAnyone interested in a NJ Meat Up??
July 16, 2020 at 7:15 amI can tell many people with their families have enjoyed this day of gathering for the feast! I love how everyone dressed up with costumes as related to the date being coinciding Halloween! It must’ve been so fun and amazing!